As Circe, but the captured piece reappears on the Circe rebirth square of the capturing unit. Pawns reappearing on promotion squares are promoted instantly, at the choice of their own side.
[ENG] As Circe, but the captured piece reappears on the Circe rebirth square of the capturing unit. Pawns reappearing on promotion squares are promoted instantly, at the choice of their own side.
The definition sent by author: Circe couscus (promotion before rebirth): A captured piece is reborn on the Circe rebirth square of the capturing unit. If the capture is done by a pawn on the promotion rank, the promotion occurs first and the rebirth is determined by the promoted piece.
From the Fairy Chess Classification Project: Check (+) and Double Check (++):
The side playing last has given check or double check.
No. 1680 Joost de Heer
original - 15.01.2022