Original Fairy problems
01.01.2022 - 30.06.2022
No. 1692 Gábor Tar
original - 28.02.2022
White Rc8 Sd8 Bg8 Pf7 Ka5 Pc5 Rg4 Pf2 Sf1
Black Pb5 Pb4 Pc4 Pg3 Pg2 Bh2 Kg1 Bh1
ser-s#8 9+8
Solution: (click to show/hide)
No. 1692.1 Gábor Tar
version of No.1692 - 13.03.2022
black Bh1h2 Kg1 Pg2g3c4b4b5
white Sf1d8 Pf2a5f7 Rg4c8 Kc5 Bg8
ser-s#7 9+8
Solution: (click to show/hide)
I thing that in AntiCirce condition the couple of wPc5 and bPc4 there can’t exist.
True. The composer put them first and later added the fairy condition 😀
Which means an illegal position, and hence no last move, so the ep capture is illegal.
The mate reminds me of this:
Michel Caillaud, 1st prize Phénix 1995
W: Kf6 Rb7 Bb4 Sg5
B: Kg8 Pb5
s#9 Anticirce
Meredith? 🤔
For Milan Vukčević problems up to 18 pieces were Miniatures.
Yes, No Meredith… Sorry
The comment corrected by composer’s request – the “Meredith” removed.