Original Fairy problems
01.01.2022 - 30.06.2022
No. 1698 Kıvanç Çefle
original - 19.03.2022
neutral Bh1 Rb4 Qc1
white Kf6
black Ka7
h#2 2 solutions 1+1+3
Neutral h1, b4, c1
Neutral h1, b4, c1
Solution: (click to show/hide)
Simple but nice idea. With neutral pieces it is possible to mate by double check. Here, it is another way to do it. 💙
I couldnt take myself doing this simple echo version Mr.Çefle; sorry.
h#2, Neutral Qb1 Rc1 Pb4, 2 Solutions,C+
Sol’s: 1.nRc1-c5 nPb4-b5 + 2.Ka6-a5 nQb1*b5 #
1.Ka6-b5 nRc1-c4 2.Kb5-a4 nQb1*b4 #
Yes M.Aokan, but the problem of M.K.Cefle is much more interesting because you have a diagonal mate and a frontal mate, technically difficult to reach without twins. And all the space of the board is used.
An echo is more common…