Julia's Fairies

No.1730 (JM)

James Malcom

Original Fairy problems
01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023

No. 1730 James Malcom
original - 22.01.2023

White Kc1 Qd7 Sa1b3 Bb8 Pa4b4c2f2h3 Black Kb6 Qc8 Ra5 Bb1 Pb7c3c7f3f6f7h4h7
ep 104                       10+12
White forces an en passant capture to take place; C-

Solution: (click to show/hide)

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Georgy Evseev
Georgy Evseev
January 23, 2023 15:48

3.Bxc7 Ka7 4.Bb6+ Ka6 5.Bd4 and Qc4+ soon…
Did I miss something?

January 13, 2025 16:48
Reply to  Georgy Evseev

Seems valid cook. Was it fixed??

Joost de Heer
Joost de Heer
January 24, 2023 10:14

Or even worse: 1. ba5 Ka6 2. Qd3 b5 3. ab6ep
In the intention, the triangulation is dualistic.

Joost de Heer
Joost de Heer
January 25, 2023 14:57

Is the following a possible fix?
EDIT: Oops, seems to lose one repetition, so it’s an ep93.

Last edited 2 years ago by Joost de Heer
Georgy Evseev
Georgy Evseev
January 25, 2023 20:08
Reply to  Joost de Heer

Bb8 can still be transferred to b6 and this frees Qc8 and white Knights. I do not see a clear sequence yet, but everything seems very suspicious.

Joost de Heer
Joost de Heer
January 26, 2023 09:12
Reply to  Georgy Evseev

After the black pawn moves on the king side are exhausted, how do you remove the bishop again from b6 after c5? Not saying that it’s not cooked, but I don’t see a clear way.

Georgy Evseev
Georgy Evseev
January 31, 2023 09:59
Reply to  Joost de Heer

The following method seems to work.
1.ba Ka6 2.c8Q f3 3.Bc7
Black cannot move pawns as Bishop will return to b8.
So, 3…Ka7 4.Bb6+ Ka6 5.Qf5!
Black f-pawns are stopped. Now, white only need tempos to force h7-h6-h5.
When afterwards black play c5 white play Qxc5 f5 – Qc8 f4 – Bd4 f5 – Qc4+ having just enough black tempos in reserve.
So, the solution should at least be shortened by one more white king run by shifting pf6 to f5.

Last edited 2 years ago by Georgy Evseev
Joost de Heer
Joost de Heer
January 30, 2023 16:43

By the way, ‘C-‘ usually means ‘cooked’, ‘C?’ means ‘not computertested’.

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