Original Fairy problems
01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023
☝ Definitions
No. 1753 Manfred Rittirsch
original - 20.06.2023
black Ra1d4 Kf3 Pf4e4e6b6g7e7 Sh5 Qf8 Bd8
white Pc2c3g6d6a6 Kh4 Sc4 Rf7 Bb7 Qa8
h#2 b) Qa8<->Qf8 10+12
Bicaptures Rex Exclusiv
Bicaptures Rex Exclusiv
Solution: (click to show/hide)
It is interesting that the apparently idle white piece in each phase (Rf7 in a, Bb7 in b) has a very specific role: To control the bK’s flight, by capturing his own pawn (3.Kxf4, or 3.Kxe4).
Correction: Rf7 also controls f5 in a.
Interesting motivations for captures of own pieces; I suppose it was challenging to make sound the problem…
I do think Bicaptures is an interesting condition provided mechanical (or worse technical) motivations are avoided. For those interested in the relevant award of 2023 RIFACE, here is the link: A.F.C.E. (phenix-echecs.fr).