No.288 Juraj Lörinc (Slovakia) |
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No.288 by Juraj Lörinc – An interesting cyclical play after three fairy promotion! (JV)
Anti-Circe (Cheylan): When a piece captures (including King), it must come back to its rebirth square. If this square is occupied, the capture is forbidden. A Pawn capturing on its promotion rank promotes before it is reborn. The captures on the rebirth square are forbidden.
Camel-Rider(CR): As Nightrider but plays on Camel-lines only.
Camel – (1,3) Leaper
Nightrider(N): A Rider along a straight line on squares lying a Knight`s move away from each other.
Rook-Kangaroo-Lion(RKL): Moves along R-lines over 2 hurdles of either color (which may or may not stand on adjacent squares) to any square beyond the 2nd unit. A capture may be made on arrival, but the hurdle is not affected.
No.288 Juraj Lörinc
![]() #2 (11+12)
Anti-Circe type Cheylan Camel-Riders: d2, e2 Rook-Kangaroo-Lions: g2, h8, c8 Solution: (click to show/hide)