No.316 Valerio Agostini (Italy) |
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Salute to il trio Italiano! See three h#2 problems by three Italian authors – without fairy pieces, but with a different fairy conditions:
No.316 by Valerio Agostini & Antonio Garofalo – Active play of the white King in Take & Make!
No.317 by Valerio Agostini & Gabriele Brunori – Interesting play of the white Rooks in a Checkless Chess!
No.318 by Valerio Agostini – A nice Anti-Circe miniature!! (JV)
Take & Make: Having captured, a unit must immediately, as part of its move, play a non-capturing move in imitation of the captured unit from the capture-square. If no such move is available, the capture is illegal. Promotion by capture occurs only when a pawn arrives on the promotion rank as the result of a take&make move. Checks are as in normal chess: after the notional capture of the checked K, the checking unit does not move away from the K’s square.
Checkless Chess: A check which is not a mate is illegal.
Anti-Circe: After a capture the capturing piece (Ks included) must immediately be removed to its game array square (necessarily vacant, else the capture is illegal). R, B & S go to the square of the same colour as the capture; Ps stay on the file of capture.
No.316 Valerio Agostini & Antonio Garofalo
![]() h#2 3 solutions (4+8)
Take & Make Solution: (click to show/hide)
No.317 Valerio Agostini & Gabriele Brunori
![]() h#2 2 solutions (6+6)
Checkless Chess Solution: (click to show/hide)
No.318 Valerio Agostini
![]() h#2 b) Pd6->e2 (3+4)
Anti-Circe Solution: (click to show/hide)