No.333 Dominique Forlot (France) |
Original Problems, Julia’s Fairies – 2013 (II): May – August →Previous ; →Next ; →List 2013(II) Please send your original fairy problems to: |
No.333 by Dominique Forlot – Nice to see that condition “Back Home” by Nicolas Dupont is going to become popular! (JV)
Definition of the back-home fairy condition:
a) If a piece can legally move to the square it occupied in the initial position of the problem, it must move to this back-home square.
b) Back-home moves are prevalent to the virtual capture of the opponent King by any piece, i.e. “checks are fairies”.
c) If several back-home moves are legal, the side-on-move chooses which one to play.
d) The back-home square of a Pawn which is promoted during the solution is the initial square of this Pawn.
No.333 Dominique Forlot
Dedicated to Nicolas Dupont
![]() Back-home Solutions: (click to show/hide)
Very nice problem, thank you for the kind dedication, Dominique!
I like the promotions setup (Q,r) (Q,b) (Q,s) and the various back-home tricks used in the 3 solutions!