No.365 Warm welcome to Krassimir! |
Original Problems, Julia’s Fairies – 2013 (II): May – August Please send your original fairy problems to: |
No.365 by Krassimir Gandev – A long, interesting, but difficult “Pawns’ festival”! (JV)
Poseidon (PO): The Marine King is named “Poseidon”. The Poseidon moves like a King when not capturing, and captures adjacent pieces like a Locust.
Locust (L): moves on Q-lines but only by capturing an enemy unit, arriving on the square immediately beyond that unit, which must be vacant.
Superpawn (SP): Moves straight forwards and captures diagonally forwards through as many empty squares as desired. Promotion is normal.
Berolina-Pawn (BP): Walk and capture are swapped relative to the orthodox Pawn. The Berolina-Pawn moves without capturing diagonally (possibly two squares if it is on the second row of its side) and captures vertically.
Berolina Super Pawn (BS): It is Berolina-Pawn but its moves and captures are respectively extended to the entire diagonal and the entire column.
Camel-Rider Hopper (CH): As Nightrider-Hopper but plays on Camel-lines only.
Camel – (1,3) Leaper
VAO(VA): Moves as Bishop, but captures only by hopping over a hurdle to any square beyond.
MAO(MA): the Chinese knight, which is a Rider, moving along a bent line to the arrival square of a normal Knight, first orthogonally then diagonally. The Mao can be interfered with on the intervening square.
No.365 Krassimir Gandev
![]() hs==12,5 (1+1+20n)
Poseidons: c2, h5 Super Pawns: b5,c3,c5,d5,e5,f5,g5 Berolina Super Pawns: a4, a5, c4, e4 Camel Rider Hopper d1 Vao g1 MAOs: a8, c1, e1, f1, h1 Solutions: (click to show/hide)