No.440 Gani Ganapathi (India) |
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No.440 by Gani Ganapathi – The black Wazirs conduct the white Pawns! (JV)
Take & Make: Having captured, a unit must immediately, as part of its move, play a non-capturing move in imitation of the captured unit from the capture-square. If no such move is available, the capture is illegal. Promotion by capture occurs only when a pawn arrives on the promotion rank as the result of a take&make move. Checks are as in normal chess: after the notional capture of the checked K, the checking unit does not move away from the King’s square.
Wazir: (0,1) Leaper, e.g., a1 to a2; a1 to b1.
Rook-Locust(LR): (0,1) Locust. Operates along Rook lines.
Locust(L): (0,1)+(1,1) Locust. Moves along Queen lines only by capturing an enemy unit, arriving on the square immediately beyond that unit, which must be vacant.
No.440 Gani Ganapathi
![]() h#2,5 2 solutions (6+7)
Take & Make Wazir d4, e4, g4 Rook-Locust a7 (no white King) Solutions: (click to show/hide)
Nice idea & neat fairy mates, but it would have been better if a Wazir moved in the first solution also.
The problem seems to be open for improvement.
1. Less symmetry
2. Avoid RL
3. Less technical pawns (b6 g5 g6)
4. Setplay rendering may be available
The goals I set seem to be not as easy achievable as I thought, but still the following rendering without fairy pieces is possible.
1…gxf4(f5) 2.Qh3 gxh3(h4) 3.Kf6 fxe4(e5)‡
1…d4+ 2.Ke6 fxe4(e5) 3.cxd4(d5) gxf4(f5)‡
1…gxf4(f5) 2.Dh3 gxh3(h4) 3.Rf6 fxe4(e5)‡
1…d4+ 2.Re6 fxe4(e5) 3.Tf5 d5‡
1…d4+ 2.Re6 fxe4(e5) 3.cxd4(d5) gxf4(f5)‡
Sorry, only the first two solutions should be taken into account.
Thank you, Georgi for this nice setting incorporating all the desirable features you had mentioned.
i have managed to reduce two men using a S at c4 instead of the R at e4 as follows:-
W Pb3d2g2g3h6 B Ke5 Sc4 Rf4 Qh1 Pc5c6d7e7f7g4 (5+10) NoWk H#2.5 2 Sols:-
1…g3*f4-f5 2.Qh1-h3 g2*h3-h4 3.Ke5-f6 b3*c4-e5 #
1…d2-d4 + 2.Ke5-e6 b3*c4-e5 3.c5*d4-d5 g3*f4-f5 #
Your comments please.
Pl. note that since I have removed the R at e4, the queen can be replaced by a Bl. R. And it works giving the same solutions.
Based on your last position, the following version is possible (with the return to your previous black play).
h#2,5 – 2 solutions – (5+7)
1…fxg4(e5) 2.Ke6 f4 3.Rxf4(Rf5) axb4(d5)‡
1…c4+ 2.Kd6 axb4(d5) 3.Rdxc4(Rc5) fxg4(e5)‡
Dear Georgi,
I feel, an optimum position is reached (just 12 men). Since BK is mated in different squares the symmetry may be considered as good unity in solutions! Do you think so?
Is it fit for publication now?
It is up to you to decide what to do with this problem. I’ve just checked if I can follow my advice myself (as I know no way to determine a quality of advice if no one tries to follow it).
If you are interested, for me there are still two significant drawbacks in the last version.
1. The “echo”-mates are mainly differ by position of black king. I feel that this kind of echo looks somewhat poor.
2. Pawns f2 and c2 are only used in one solution each. This is not a good for the problem where economy plays a significant role.
I do not know if these issues may be resolved without significant change of matrix. Also, I am not sure I’ll continue working on this scheme).