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No.631 by Kenneth Solja – Interestin
Anti-Circe: Anti-Circe Calvet (the default type): After a capture the capturing piece (Ks included) must immediately be removed to its game array square (necessarily vacant, else the capture is illegal). Captures on the rebirth square are allowed. Game array squares are determined as in Circe.
No.631 Kenneth Solja |
Solutions: (click to show/hide) |
White Kf6
Black Kh8
Neutral Pd7h2h7
h#2,5 2 solutions (1+1+3n) |
Hello Kenneth,
two very interesting variations indeed !
In the first, the blocus of e8 allows mate “by contact” of the Kings. In the second, the two Kings seem under attack but only the black one is mate !
Congratulations !
…So you search AUW in series movers and you find in h#n !!
It is also C+ Winchloe. Only one little weakness: h7 pawn can be black also.
Thank you Sebastien!
Yes, pawn in h7 can be black, but I couldn’t decide should it be black or neutral .. Now it is neutral ..
The mate in the first solution is very nice. White must prevent 4.nRd4, but 3.Kd5? is self-check. Therefore White plays 3.Kd6!, which is not self-check because the bK occupies the rook’s rebirth square! In the second solution 1…nPd8=nS is a tempo promotion, with the promoted knight having no function.
Economical AUW, nPh7 spoils it as an unnecessary fairy element.
But since all Pawns are neutral, the author has perhaps concluded that bP would spoil the impression.
nPh7 is pretty obviously not a constructional failure but the author’s choice which should be respected.
nS-promotion is certainly not a tempo-move but a line-opening.
I agree with Nikola. I also would have preferred nPh7. nS promotion is line opening and the beauty is that it should be done as a white move only and not as a black move and further the promotion can only be as a nS. Fine problem!
Very nice problem with lot of fairy effects with just 5 men. Excellent Tanagra !