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No.968 by Petko A. Petkov – Rich thematic complex in two phases with combination of conditions Take&Make + Anti-Take&Make. (JV)
Take & Make: Having captured, a unit must immediately, as part of its move, play a non-capturing move in imitation of the captured unit from the capture-square. If no such move is available, the capture is illegal. Promotion by capture occurs only when a pawn arrives on the promotion rank as the result of a take&make move. Checks are as in normal chess: after the notional capture of the checked K, the checking unit does not move away from the King’s square.
Anti Take & Make: Every capture (“take”) must be complemented by a further step (“make” which is not a capture) by the captured piece (Kings excluded), which must move from its square of vanish (according to the wishes of the capturing side in case of options). The capture is forbidden if the captured unit has no possible moves. Promotions at the end of the “make” element are normal.
Berolina Super-pawn(BS): It is Berolina-Pawn but its moves and captures are respectively extended to the entire diagonal and the entire column.
Berolina-Pawn(BP): Walk and capture are swapped relative to the orthodox Pawn. The Berolina-Pawn moves without capturing diagonally (possibly two squares if it is on the second row of its side) and captures vertically.
Super Pawn(SP): Moves straight forwards and captures diagonally forwards through as many empty squares as desired. Promotion is normal.
Grasshopper(G): Moves along Q-lines over another unit of either color to the square immediately beyond that unit. A capture may be made on arrival, but the hurdle is not affected.
No.968 Petko A. Petkov |
Solutions: (click to show/hide) |
white kh7
black kf2 qh4 pa2a4b5d5e5f6g5h5
neutral spa3 bsc2 gd2
h#2.5 b) nGd2→e1 (1+10+3) |
Wow… what an excellent harmony in such a beautiful and rich strategy!
Fine problem in PAP’s usual style!
Maybe I’m missing something, but why can’t the 3 neutrals be white?
Dear Shankar!
The pieces nSPa3, nBSc2 and nGd2 can be only natural! The use of a white figure here leads to multiple cooks in every phase, for exmple in a) – position:
1.With w.Gd2: a)1…nSPBe4 2.nSBh1=nQ nQxh4( Qb4, nQg3)+ 3.Kxg3(nQg2, Kh4) Gh6# etc…
2.With wSBc2: a) 1…Kh8 2.Ke3 SBh7 3.Kxd2( nGd6, Kh6) SBg8= S# etc.
3. With w.SPa3 a) 1… nSBg6 2. nSBb1=nS nSxd2(nSg2, nSd6) 3.Kxg2( nSg6 Kc6) SPxd6( nSc4 c8=Q#)# etc.
On the other hand, the use of three neutral figures here makes the play more paradoxical.
Understood…! I half guessed that must be the reason.
By the way, I’ve never seen a sp/bsp grimshaw/reciprocal battery before!
Ingenious use of Berolina Pawn & Superpawn as a line piece… which they are in fact. I did not realise that quality earlier. Thanks Petkov for this beautiful problem (which of course takes some time to grasp)!