Juraj Lörinc


Original Problems, Julia’s Fairies – 2015 (II): July – December

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Please send your original fairy problems to: julia@juliasfairies.com

No.978 by Juraj Lörinc – 3+1 variations in semi-r# problem. (JV)


Lion(LI): Moves along Queen lines over another unit of either color to any square beyond that unit. A capture may be made on arrival, but the hurdle is not affected.

PAO(PA): Chinese piece operating along Rook lines: moves as Rook, but captures only by hopping over a hurdle to any square beyond.

VAO(VA): Chinese piece operating along Bishop lines: moves as Bishop, but captures only by hopping over a hurdle to any square beyond.

No.978 Juraj Lörinc

original – 23.12.2015

Solution: (click to show/hide)

white Kd7 PAa7a8h1 VAb3d3 LIh7 Rh6 Pc4d4e4f5 black Kh8 PAc3 LIg3

semi-r#4                                 (12+3)
Lion h7, g3
PAO a7, a8, h1, c3
VAO b3, d3

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shankar ram
shankar ram
December 27, 2015 16:54

The 3 Pao moves lead to anti-battery checks by the WK on the 8th rank, followed by a battery check and self block by the W Lion(which also makes an anticipatory interference with the W Pao a7), ending with another self block by the W Pao on the 8th rank. The final happy result is 3 linear echo mates.
Almost plays like a helpmate – which is typical of some more move R#s like this one. The additional by play with model mate is a good bonus in a lightly constructed position. A “Bohemian R#”? 😉
There are actually THREE guards on the mating lines which are neutralised:
1. Pao a7-c7/d7/e7
2. Lion h7-c7/d7/e7 (only exists after B2!)
3. Rh6-c6/d6/e6

Reminds me of Seetharaman’s hs#2, 6-13 place, G section, 9th WCCT, 2012-13!

Juraj Lörinc
January 4, 2016 23:25
Reply to  shankar ram

The scheme was found by me long long time ago, when I was inspired by some article on s# with model mates and fairy pieces. At that time (more than 10 years ago) I was somehow unable to finish the scheme.

Now I have found the scheme in the ideas file, when I was looking for something that I might develop either for Richter+Trommler JT or Munich fairy chess TT. Obviously, the scheme was not suitable for any of these, from the beginning, I just tried to finish it as an exercise – whether I can do now what I could not earlier. And somehow it worked…

So definitely intended as Bohemian.

December 27, 2015 17:39

The anti-battery mates by the WK in my problem is the similarity, but of course it is an entirely different theme!

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