Eric Huber

Original Problems, Julia’s Fairies – 2015 (II): July – December

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No.982 by Eric Huber – A play of two Nightriders forces an appearance of the wK in Republican Chess problem. (JV)


Phantom Chess: Any unit except a king may move either normally (from its current square) or as though from its Circe rebirth square if the latter is vacant.

Republican Chess (Type 2): There are no Kings : if the side which has played can put the opposite King on a square where it would be legally mate, then the opposite King is put on such a square. The opposite side can then put itself the other King on a square where it is mated.

Nightrider(N): (1,2) Rider. Operates along straight lines with squares lying a Knight’s move away from each other.

No.982 Eric Huber

original – 27.12.2015

Solutions: (click to show/hide)
neutral Sa2 Ng2h2

hs#2            2 solutions      (0+0+3)
Phantom Chess
Republican Chess type II
Neutral Nightriders g2,h2

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Geoff Foster
Geoff Foster
December 29, 2015 00:02

It is remarkable how powerful a Nightrider is in Phantom Chess! In the first solution, after 2.nSa2-b1-a3(+bKa5)+, the Nc6 guards b6 and a4 (via c8) and the Ne7 guards a6 (via e8). Then after 2…Nc6-c1-f7(+wKc6), the Ne7 guards b7 and c5 (via e1) and the Nf7 guards c7 and d5 (via f1). It is double-check because the nSa3 attacks the wK via b8.

In each solution the Nightriders are doubled on the same line directed toward the black King. However one can imagine a situation in which Nightriders are doubled without being on the same line! For example, imagine a position with bKa5, bPe7, nNd5 and nNg4. If White plays nNd5xe7 then the Nightriders are doubled against the bK, because the nNg4 can play via g8 when White has the move.

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