Definitions: (click to show/hide)
Pressburger King (Super-Transmuting King): King which definitively takes up the nature of the checking piece (and thus loses his royal status). (OR: After being checked, the Super-transmuting King must immediately move like the checking piece and then losing his royal status definitively takes up his nature. When no such move is available, the ST-King side parries the check normally. If the checked King cannot move, it is a mate.)
Locust (L): Moves along Queen lines only by capturing an enemy unit, arriving on the square immediately beyond that unit, which must be vacant.
Rook-Locust(LR): (0,1) Locust. Operates along Rook lines.
Nightrider-Locust(LN): (1,2) Locust. Operates along Nightrider lines.
Royal piece: Piece that executes a function of the King on the board.
Rose(RO): (1,2) Octagonal Rider (extents the move of the Knight on a circular path e.g. a4-b6-d7-f6-g4-f2-d1-b2 or a4-c5-e4-f2).
Anti-Circe: Anti-Circe Calvet (the default type): After a capture the capturing piece (Ks included) must immediately be removed to its game array square (necessarily vacant, else the capture is illegal). Captures on the rebirth square are allowed. Game array squares are determined as in Circe (on the square of the same colour in the case of pieces, on the file of capture in the case of pawns, and on the promotion square of the file of capture in the case of fairy pieces.).
Circe Turncoats: A unit (not King) when captured returns to its game array square with opposite color as part of the capturing move.
No.993 Karol Mlynka Slovakia original – 30.01.2016
Solutions: (click to show/hide)
white Pg3 Kh8
black Rg1 Pg2g7
black royal LNf1
#3 b) after the key (2+4) White Super-Transmuting King Royal Nightrider-Locust f1
1...g7-g5 {a}
2.g3-g4 {A} zugzwang.
2...Rg1-h1 +
3.Kh8-f8=R #
1...Rg1-h1 +
2.Kh8-f8=R +
3.Rf8-h8 #
2.Kh8*g7 threat:
3.Kg7-h6 #
3.Kg7-g6 #
3.Kg7-h6 #
1.Kh8*g7 ? zugzwang.
2.Kg7-h6 #
2.Kg7-g6 #
1...Rg1-h1 !
1.g3-g4 ! {A} zugzwang.
1...Rg1-h1 +
2.Kh8-f8=R #
1...g7-g5 {a}
2.Kh8-h7 {B} zugzwang.
2...Rg1-h1 +
3.Kh7-f7=R #
1...g7-g6 {b}
2.g4-g5 {C} zugzwang.
2...Rg1-h1 +
3.Kh8-f8=R #
b) wPg3-->g4
1...g7-g5 {a}
2.Kh8-h7 {B} zugzwang.
2...Rg1-h1 +
3.Kh7-f7=R #
1...g7-g6 {b}
2.g4-g5 {C} zugzwang.
2...Rg1-h1 +
3.Kh8-f8=R #
1...Rg1-h1 +
2.Kh8-f8=R #
1.Kh8-h7 ? {B} zugzwang.
1...Rg1-h1 + !
1.g4-g5 ! {C} threat:
2.g5-g6 zugzwang.
2...Rg1-h1 +
3.Kh8-f8=R #
1...g7-g6 {b}
2.Kh8-h7 {B} zugzwang.
2...Rg1-h1 +
3.Kh7-f7=R # {
(C+ by Popeye 4.73)}
Changed and transferred continuations with change of function. (Author)
No.994 Karol Mlynka Slovakia original – 30.01.2016
Solutions: (click to show/hide)
White Kd5
Black Ka8 Pa7 Pb7 ROd7 Pd4 Pc3 Pb2 Pd2
h#2 2 solutions (1+8) White Super-Transmuting King Rose d7
1.ROd7-h3 Kd5-e4 2.b2-b1=Q + Ke4-e8=Q #
1.ROd7-b8 Kd5-d6 2.b2-b1=RO + Kd6-e8=RO # {
(C+ by Popeye 4.73)}
Pressburger King as Rex solus. Model mates on the same square after promotions to Q and RO. (Author)
No.995 Karol Mlynka Slovakia original – 30.01.2016
Solutions: (click to show/hide)
Black royal La8
White Ka3
Black LRe5 Pa2
hs=2 2 solutions (1+3) Circe Turncoats Anti-Circe White Super-Transmuting King Royal Locust a8 Rook-Locust e5
1.Ka3*a2[wKa2->e1][+wPa7] rLa8*a7-a6[brLa6->a1][+bPa2] + {
} 2.Ke1*e5-e6=L[wLe6->e8][+wLRe1] rLa1*e1-f1[brLf1->e1] {=}
1.Ka3-b2 a2-a1=L + 2.Kb2*e5-f6=L[wLf6->e8][+wLRe1] La1*e1-f1[bLf1->e1] {=
(C+ by Popeye 4.73)}
Wenigsteiner with a “long play“ in help-stalemate. (Author)