Original Problems (page 18)I’ll publish some of my problems here and I’d be happy to receive yours! Diagrams, comments, new ideas, anything to discuss – are very appreciated! The site is mostly about fairies, but h# and s# are also welcome! Please send your problems to my e-mail: julia@juliasfairies.com Go to >>> Page 17 ; >>> Page 19 |
4 new problems on this page as of 17/18-Jul-2012. It’s so nice to get 2 new problems by Peter Harris – for solvers this time! And I’m happy to welcome two new authors at the site: Karol Mlynka from Slovakia and Kenneth H. M. Solja from Finland!
No.43 – h#11 by Peter Harris – FOR SOLVERS! So many Kangaroos are waiting to be solved! This problem is published without solution for now as the author would like you to SOLVE! Please send your solution in the comments (but don’t use solving programs!). I’ll add the solution later either from your comments, or after one week! (JV)
No.44 – hs#3 by Karol Mlynka – Non-standard mates after promotion of Chameleon-pawn. (JV)
No.45 – hs#3 by Kenneth H. M. Solja -Interesting echo-mates with a nice effects of Andernach-Grasshoppers. (JV)
No.46 – h#10 by Peter Harris – FOR SOLVERS! Same as No.43 this problem is published without solution for now as the author would like you to SOLVE! Please send your solution in the comments (but don’t use solving programs!). I’ll add the solution later either from your comments, or after one week! (JV)
See most of the Definitions in Fairy Terms section or click the fairy piece or condition below to go right to its definition on that page:
Some Definitions I’ll show right here for now (later will be added to the Terms page):
Transmuted Kings: When in check a King moves like the checking piece(s).
Chameleon-pawn: Haven’t found any definition and author’s comments, so by the logic, I believe this pawn is of Chameleon type to allow the promotion of it into Chameleon piece while none also Chameleon piece is present on the board. (Please correct me who knows a better definition!!)
Andernach Grasshoppers (AG): Moves as Grasshopper, but the hurdle changes its color after it is jumped over.
No.43 Peter Harris
(South Africa)
![]() h#11 (3+4)
Kangaroos: a2,a8,c2,d2,f2,g2
No white King
1.KAh2 KAb2 2.Kb1 KAg2 3.KAe2 KAd2 4.Kb2 KAg2 5.Ka3 KAa1 6.Ka4 KAa5 7.KAb2 KAa6 8.KAa2 KAa1 9.KAa7 KAa2 10.Ka5 KAd2 11.KAa4 KAa3‡
No.44 Karol Mlynka
![]() hs#3 b) NAe1→e2 (2+10)
c) cPg7→h7; d) cPg7→b7
NAO e1, Chameleon pawn g7
a) 1.cPg8=cS NAb7 2.cSf6=cB NAd6 3.cBe5=cR + K*e5 #;
b) 1.cPg8=cB NAg6 2.cB*f7=cR NAe7 3.cRf5=cQ + Kd6 #;
c) 1.cPh8=cB f6 2.cB*f6=cR NAc5 3.cRe6=cQ + K*e6 #;
d) 1.cPb8=cB NAc5 2.cBf4=cR NAe6 3.cR*d4=cQ + K*d4 #.
No.45 Kenneth H. M. Solja
![]() h#4 2 solutions (0+5+1)
Andernach Grasshoppers (AG): c2, c4, f5, f7
Neutral Sc7
No white King
I. 1.AGc5(+wAGc4) AGg8(+wAGf7) 2.AGb5(+wAGc5) AGb7 3.nSa6 AGa5(+wAGb5)+ 4.Ka8 AGb8(+bAGb7)#
II. 1.AGb1(+wAGc2) AGc5(+wAGc4) 2.AGb7 nSb5+ 3.Ka8 AGa6 4.AGb6 AGa7(+wAGb6)#
Echo-idealmates. (Author)
No.46 Peter Harris
(South Africa)
![]() h#10 (3+3)
Kangaroos: b7,c7,f7,g7,h5
No white King
1.Kg8*f7 [+wKAf8][bKf7->e8] KAg7-a7 2.Ke8-f7 KAa7-d7 3.Kf7-g6 KAd7-a7 4.Kg6*h5 [+wKAh8][bKh5->e8] KAa7-d7 5.Ke8*d7 [+wKAd8][bKd7->e8] KAd8-g8 + 6.Ke8-f7 KAh8-e8 7.KAb7-g7 KAg8-d8 8.KAc7-h7 KAf8-c8 9.Kf7-g8 KAc8-f8 + 10.Kg8-h8 KAd8-g8 #
The diagrams are made on WinChloe and its Echecs font is used for Logo design
No.43 – as far as I’ve understood, Transmuted King plays only one move like the checking piece but then moves like a King until another check.
No.46 – I guess there are 3+2 Kangaroos ?
About No.46 – sorry, you’re right, all 5 kangaroos, have added under diagram!
About Transmuted King: I’ve got the explanation from Mr.Harris:
“Yes with TransmutingKings a King moves like the piece(s) checking it but after it is no longer in check it reverts back to normal. [Of course it can get out of check other than by moving].
So a definition could be:
Transmuting King: When in check a King moves like the checking piece(s).”
I’ll correct the definition above the diagrams. Thanks!!