Julia's Fairies

Original Problems (62)

Original Problems (page 62)

Original fairy problems published during 2012 will participate in the informal tourney JF-2012

The site is mostly about fairies, but h# and s# are also welcomed for publication! Please send your problems to my e-mail: julia@juliasfairies.com

Go to →List of Problems ; →Page 61 ;  Page 63

Warm welcome to well-known Macedonian composer and editor of magazine Vratniza-64 – Bosko Miloseski

No.118 – hs#3 – Fine line-combinations, executed by the white Rook in cooperation with black “colleagues”. (JV)

No.118.1 – hs#3 – And this is a very nice improvement to No.118, coming after about 2,5 months and based on the comments to the 1st version. I’m happy to publish it here as well! (JV)


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No.118 Bosko Miloseski
original – 28.08.2012
hs#3            b) pc6→d5             (3+7)
Solution: (click to show/hide)

No.118.1 Bosko Miloseski
original – 11.11.2012
hs#3              2 solutions             (5+9)
Solution: (click to show/hide)

The diagrams are made on WinChloe and its Echecs font is used for Logo design

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Juraj Lörinc
August 28, 2012 17:51

Twin form seems to be unnecessary. What about the following version?
White Rg7 Pf6 Kh1
Black Kh8 Pc5 Rg5 Pd4 Pe4 Rg3

János Mikitovics
János Mikitovics
August 28, 2012 23:43
Reply to  Juraj Lörinc

Look at the original and your position without wR.
(A Bristol is visible in both solutions.)

August 29, 2012 22:07

Bristol? Cant see it unless you mean W3 and B3 of the solutions.

János Mikitovics
János Mikitovics
August 29, 2012 23:24
Reply to  seetharaman

You’re right! 1…Rg5-g8 2…Rg3-g6 is not a Bristol!
This is a big mistake from me!

White Pf6 Kh1
Black Kh8 Pc5 Rg5 Pd4 Pe4 Rg3
1.f6-f7 Rg5-g8 2.f7-f8=Q Rg3-g6 3.Qf8-h6 + Rg6*h6 #

Bosko Miloseski
August 30, 2012 21:20

Black-White Brunner-Turton [see: Petrovic-Sahovski problem, 1949]

September 1, 2012 00:56

No.118 Bosko Miloseski
I think that the main question here is not the name of the theme. It’s not so important how we can call it. The problem № 118 has a very significant defect, that in my opinion, essentially reduces its evaluation. It is a repetition of black blocking – moves with black Rooks on g8. This defect should be avoided at all costs, before we think about other improvements!
Obviously, there’s a lot of possibilities in this aspect, but it is clear – these experiments are difficult and do not lead quickly to the good results.
I’d like to demonstrate here not the best Version of №118, but just some experimental positions. They can be a basis for a more interesting and meaningful versions:
[imgcomment image[/img]
1.Ra4-a2 Rf5-f1 2.Ra2-f2 Rc6-h6 3.Rf2-f8+ Rf1xf8‡
1.Ra4-a5 Rc6-c4 2.Ra5-c5 Rf5-h5 3.Rc5-c8+ Rc4xc8‡

[imgcomment image[/img]
1.Ra4-a2 Rf5-f1 2.Ra2-f2 Rc6-h6 3.Rf2-f8+ Rf1xf8‡
1.Ra4-a5 Rc6-c4 2.Ra5-c5 Rf5-h5 3.Rc5-c8+ Rc4xc8‡

In Version 2 we see two pinned pieces in final position. But I think that it is not an important plus in comparison with Version 1 because here Bh7 is a static pinned piece (as Rg7 of course). If a white piece is static pinned (therefore – it makes not moves in play) we cannot evaluate this pin as a sufficient high plus of a problem (by the by, a technical character has also Bd4).
Static status of Rg7 is also not so pleasant but here this piece keeps squares around the b.K – therefore Rg7 is a better static figure as Bh7. Therefore I think that V1 is better as V2 but the idea for thematic pins with the “Not Turton Rook” deserves interest – probably – in some other positions or even – in problems in 3.5 or 4 moves with additional thematic motives.

September 1, 2012 11:22

hm…. Interesting versions by Petkov. But I thought in the original problem, the blocks on g8 being by different rooks was not a defect.

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