Isn't nSd1 needed to prevent selfcheck?
On No.663 (SL)
Nicolas, I'm very happy that at least one point was understood, so I'm perhaps not completely lost and hopelessly lonely…
On No.636 (GF)
Nicolas, I would perhaps understand your "pragmatic" position if would stand on my head. You have turned the time upside-down.…
On No.636 (GF)
"... If a piece moves to a square occupied by an opponent’s piece the latter is captured and removed from…
On No.636 (GF)
Thanks Julia, this attempt should only show the difficulties when a composer complicates too much. Probably it doesn't deserve a…
On Original Problems (13)
Dear Mr. Petkov, your 'subjective' opinion is most instructive to me and I hope to everyone else. It is clear…
On Original Problems (13)
Dear Janos, Thanks for the suggestion. I don't see the benefit of Princess. It is another fairy piece, stronger but…
On Original Problems (13)
No.33 is on the margin of being the original or only example. So I take it as 'original example', not…
On Original Problems (pages 11-20)
Reciprocal Dentist-functions and flight-guards by w Nb7/Bg5 and by b Ra4/Bc4. In solution II bR has the open rank to…
On Original Problems (13)
Thanks for the comment and the improvement/enrichement! I was aware of the mentioned weaknesses and I had a doubt whether…
On Original Problems (pages 11-20)