Julia's Fairies

Julia’s Fairies 1st RIGA BLACK BALSAM TT

RigasBalzams-BlackCurrantJulia’s Fairies is pleased to announce its composing tournament within the
58th World Congress of Chess Composition


Judge: Julia Vysotska

Theme: Help-play with Half-neutral pieces. Thematic play of half-neutral pieces in H#/=/==, HS#/=/== problems in 2-5 moves; Ser-H#/=/==, Ser-HS#/=/== problems up to 10 moves. Other fairy pieces (also standard neutral pieces) are allowed. Fairy conditions are NOT allowed.

Depending on the number of entries the tournament will either have one section for all problems, or will be split in two sections: Section A (H#/=/==, Ser-H#/=/==) and Section B (HS#/=/==, Ser-HS#/=/==).

Computer tested problems only! Half-neutral pieces are fully implemented in the last version of Popeye and also most of problems can be tested by WinChloe, except half-neutral King (and Royal piece).

Please send entries to Julia Vysotska by e-mail at julia@juliasfairies.com until July, 31st, 2015
or during the Congress, for participants only, until 17:00 of August, 3rd, 2015.

Prizes are bottles of RIGA BLACK BALSAM Currant.
The tourney is open worldwide, however the prizes are for congress participants only.

Half-neutral piecePiece which can exist in black, white or neutral state and changes its state by the rules:

  • A piece in the neutral state may be moved by Black or White, and after move it changes into black or white state respectively.
  • A piece in the white state may be moved only by White, and after move it changes into its neutral state.
  • A piece in the black state may be moved only by Black, and after move it changes into its neutral state.
  • Only a half-neutral pawn can promote into half-neutral figure.

Additional features of half-neutral pieces:

  • Castling with half-neutral King is possible with hK in white phase on e1 (White castling) and hK in black phase on e8 (Black castling). After castling the hK becomes half-neutral phase and can become mate.
  • A play is possible also with only one half-neutral King on the board (in white, black or neutral phase).
  • By the notation: “h”=half-neutral piece, states are marked with “w”(white), “b”(black) and “n”(neutral).

See Examples with animated solutions below or use PDF file with the announcement & examples to print out.


Welcome to participate! – Julia





white kh8 rd4 gb8 pb5 black ka5 pb6 black halfneutral pa2

h#1         3 solutions        (4+3)
Half-neutral Pa2
Grasshopper b8

White Kh8 Black Ka8 Sb8 Black HalfNeutral Rg3 Be6

h#2        2 solutions        (1+4)
Half-neutral Rg3, Be6

white kh8 rb2 be4 pf3 white halfneutral sh4 black ke3 pb3b4 black halfneutral pe2

h#2                                      (5+4)
Half-neutral Pe2, Sh4

}1.hPa2-a1=nhS nhSa1-b3=w # {
}1.hPa2-a1=nhB nhBa1-c3=w # {
}1.hPa2-a1=nhG nhGa1-e5=w #
}1.hRg3-g1=nhR nhRg1-a1=w + {
}2.hBe6-a2=nhB nhBa2-d5=w # {
} 1.hBe6-h3=nhB nhBh3-g2=w + {
}2.hRg3-f3=nhR nhRf3-a3=w #
}1.hPe2-e1=nhS hSh4-f5=nhS + 2.nhSf5-d4=b nhSe1-g2=w # {
} 1.hPe2-e1=nhB hSh4-g2=nhS + 2.nhSg2-f4=b nhBe1-f2=w #

No.4 Vlaicu Crisan
Ded. to L. Riguet
Phenix 2000
1st Hon.men.

No.5 Petko A. PETKOV
feenschach 2001


White Ka1 Black Ka3 Se4 Black HalfNeutral Re3 Bd6

ser-h#4                             (1+4)
Half-neutral Re3, Bd6

white kh1 rc6 bh4h5 black kd7 neutral halfneutral pb7

ser-h#6*   2 solutions   (4+1+1)
Half-neutral Pb7

white pc5b6 black chameleon Bc7 black pa5c6 neutral halfneutral royal ph7

ser-h#8                        (2+3+1)
Half-neutral Royal Ph7
Chameleon Bc7

}1.Se4-c3 2.hRe3-h3=nhR 3.hBd6-g3=nhB 4.Sc3-a4 nhBg3-d6=w #{
} 1.Se4-c5 2.hBd6-f8=nhB 3.hRe3-e7=nhR 4.Sc5-a4 nhRe7-e3=w #
}1...nhPb7-b8=nhS=w #{
} 1.nhPb7-b5=b 2.hPb5-b4=nhP 3.nhPb4-b3=b{
} 4.hPb3-b2=nhP 5.nhPb2-b1=nhB=b 6.hBb1-g6=nhB nhBg6-e8=w #{
} 1.nhPb7-b6=b 2.hPb6-b5=nhP 3.nhPb5-b4=b {
}4.hPb4-b3=nhP 5.nhPb3-b2=b 6.hPb2-b1=hQ=nhQ + nhQb1-b7=w #
} 1.nrhPh7-h6=b 2.rhPh6-h5=nhP 3.nrhPh5-h4=b {
}4.rhPh4-h3=nhP 5.nrhPh3-h2=b 6.rhPh2-h1=nrchR {
}7.nrchRh1-h8=nrchQ=b 8.rchQh8-a8=nrchS b6-b7 #



No.9 Julia Vysotska
StateGems No.71, FB1479

white ka8 ra7 ba4 white halfneutral pd7 black kb6 pc5c6c7 neutral halfneutral qe5 re6

hs#2      2 solutions     (4+4+2)
Half-neutral Pd7, Qe5, Re6

white ka8 qh1 pb4 black ka6 rf8 pa4e6f6f7 black halfneutral Bc8

hs#4                                  (3+7)
Half-neutral Bc8

White Kb1 Black Kh5 Bf6 Pg6 Ph6 Ph4 Neutral Bb3 Neutral HalfNeutral Ne1 Qc3 Be3

hs#2*                           (1+6+3)
Half-neutral Ne1, Qc3, Be3

}1.hPd7-d8=hS=nhS nhQe5-h8=b 2.nhRe6*c6=w + nhSd8*c6=b #{
} 1.hPd7-d8=hB=nhB nhRe6-e8=b 2.nhQe5*c7=w + nhBd8*c7=b #
}1.Qh1-h2 hBc8-d7=nhB 2.Qh2-b8 nhBd7-b5=b {
} 3.Qb8-d8 hBb5-e8=nhB 4.Qd8-d6+ nhBe8-c6=b #
}1...nhBe3-g5=b {
}2.nhQc3-f3=w + nhNe1*f3=b #{
} 1.nhBe3-c1=w nBb3-e6 {
}2.nhNe1-d3=w + nhQc3*d3=b #




White Rg4 Be5 Black Bg8 Pd3 Pc2 Pd2 Black HalfNeutral Ke6

h#2       2 solutions       (2+5)
Half-neutral Ke6

white halfneutral Kc7 white pf4 Black HalfNeutral Qf3

hs=2       2 solutions      (2+1)
b) Pf4→h3; c) Pf4→e4
Half-neutral Kc7, Qf3

White Ba4 Be3 White HalfNeutral Royal Sd2

h#1,5      b) rhSd2→d1     (3+0)
Half-neutral Royal Sd2

}1.hKe6-d5=nhK + nhKd5-d4=w {
}2.Bg8-b3 hKd4-c3=nhK #{
} 1.hKe6-f7=nhK + nhKf7-g7=w {
}2.Bg8-h7 hKg7-h8=nhK #
} a) 1.hKc7-c8=nhK hQf3*f4=nhQ {
}2.nhQf4-c7=w + nhKc8*c7=b{=
} b) wPf4-->h3 1.hKc7-d8=nhK hQf3*h3=nhQ {
}2.nhQh3-d7=w + nhKd8*d7=b {=
} c) wPf4-->e4 1.hKc7-b8=nhK hQf3*e4=nhQ {
}2.nhQe4-b7=w + nhKb8*b7=b {=}
} a) 1...rhSd2-b3=nhS + 2.nrhSb3-a1=b Be3-d4 # b) wrhSd2-->d1 1...rhSd1-f2=nhS + 2.nrhSf2-h3=b Ba4-d7 #

Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe’s graphics.


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June 18, 2015 08:16

Half-netural king is very interesting !

Juraj Lörinc
Juraj Lörinc
June 22, 2015 01:25

Scheme No 11 has one solution in each twin only.
It can be easily developed into position with three solutions (e.g. whnKf3 – bhnQc7, bPc6, cPd6), although as Julia rightly points above most diagram’s, these are mostly just schemes showing some possibilities. It will require a lot of creativity to finish among prizes, I guess.

June 25, 2015 16:46

Scheme 7 is very good. Dont know why the author does not want to own it ? 🙂

Nikola Predrag
Nikola Predrag
June 26, 2015 01:48
Reply to  seetharaman

The purpose of that scheme is to illustrate the properties of the Halfneutrals using a well known content. The authors are expected to create something original with these properties.

And bSc6/bBc7 are poorly used in the mates.
They could at least guard a flight, for instance:
White halfneutral Pd7; Neutral halfneutral Rh6; Neutral halfneutral Qc3
White Ka8 Sa5 Sd5 Pb4; Black Ba6 Kb5 Pa4
Stipulation Hs#2
1.hPd7-d8=hS=nh nhRh6-h8=bh 2.nhQc3-c6=wh+ nhSd8*c6=bh #
1.hPd7-d8=hB=nh nhQc3-h8=bh 2.nhRh6-b6=wh+ nhBd8*b6=bh #

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