Uri Avner MT – C 30.06.2015

Uri Avner MT – C 30.06.2015


Uri Avner Memorial Tourney

The Israeli Chess Composition Society informs that a chess problem composition tourney dedicated to the memory of Uri Avner is extended till June, 30, 2015.

The tourney is in two sections as follows:

Section 1: Helpmates in 2.5 or 3 moves. Judge: Francesco Simoni. Theme: “Pin-correction” – a black piece is unpinned (directly or indirectly) by white. Later in the solution the same piece becomes pinned on a different square. Fairy pieces and conditions are not allowed.

Section 2: Selfmates in 2 to 6 moves. Judge: Petko Petkov. Theme: Play of at least one white battery and one black battery. Use of other strategic motives is very desirable. Fairy pieces and conditions are not allowed.

Entries to the tourney director, Omer Friedland, by email to: omrfree@gmail.com.

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