Julia's Fairies

JV problem No.6

Julia’s Published Problems

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Thank you for the interest! Your comments are very welcome! – Julia

No.6 – This helpmate could me my first composed problem. In fact, it was the very first problem I’ve started to compose, in July-2011. I had an idea, but couldn’t avoid a disbalance in 2 solutions. 

The idea was sacrifices of white pieces for line opening. I’ve came till the version:

Stipulation h#2
White Kf1 Qc1 Bc4 Sd2
Black Ke5 Rf6 Rd4 Bh1 Pe7 Pb6 Pc6 Pg6 Pf5 Pb4


1.Rf6-d6 Sd2-e4 2.f5*e4 Qc1-g5 #
1.e7-e6 Bc4-d5 2.c6*d5 Qc1-c7 #

Didn’t like it and had no idea how to improve. Than started to compose for WCCC-2011 tourneys… And came back to this problem only at the end of October 2011, when was introduced to GM Petko A. Petkov and had shown my works.  It was the advice of Mr.Petkov to finish this problem, using twins (why didn’t I think about twins myself?!). As a result, the problem was finished… finally!

99635 /

Julia Vysotska

Orbit – 2012, No 53 (Feb), #3333

h#2         b) pd6->f6       4+11


a) 1.Rc3(1.Re3?) Se4 2.f:e4 Qg5 #

b) 1.Ba2(1.Bc4?) Sd4 2.c:d4 Qc7 #

Unpin with dual avoidance (on black 1st move); sacrifice of white with white lines opening (on white 1st move) and selfblock (on black 2nd move).

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August 30, 2012 20:11

All these five problems are very good. Nice ideas with good construction! Any experienced composer will be proud of these !

Bartel Erich
June 10, 2015 18:58

–> PDB P1304247

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