Julia's Fairies

No.582 (HG)

Hubert Gockel


Original Problems, Julia’s Fairies – 2014 (II): May – August

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No.582 by Hubert Gockel – A miniature with Back-To-Back condition and tempo-moves! Just a half move longer than required by 14th Japanese Sake Tourney. (JV)


Back-To-Back: When pieces of opposite colors stand back-to-back with each other on the same file (white piece is on the top of black!), they exchange their roles. A pawn on the first rank cannot move. Any piece can make an en passant capture when it has got a role of Pawn by Back-To-Back.

No.582 Hubert Gockel

original – 06.08.2014

Solutions: (click to show/hide)

White Kc8 Ba1 Sc4 Pe6 Black Kh3 Re3

h#2,5        b) wKc8→b4         (4+2)

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Geoff Foster
Geoff Foster
August 7, 2014 01:54

The stipulation should be h#2.5, not hs#2.5

August 7, 2014 15:00
Reply to  Julia

It is also worth to notice the nice interchange of wS/wB in the mating positions.

Concerning the BtB definition, I don’t remember the precise definition of “roles” (if any!). As an example is royalty part of the role? It seems it is not the case for Popeye – in the position wSa3 bKc1 bBd3, 1.Sc2+ is considered legal (i.e. not a self-check), although Sc2 now has the role of a wK and is observed by the bBd3.

Is there some difference between “role” and “moving possibilities” ?

August 7, 2014 23:22
Reply to  dupont

I think by ‘role’ the definition refers to moving possibilities only.

August 7, 2014 23:21

Very nice effects, though the play is motivated differently in both solutions !

Nikola Predrag
Nikola Predrag
August 8, 2014 04:38

Julia, thanks for your addition to the definition.
I didn’t think that pieces have faces turned to any particular fixed direction.
And still I don’t think so, not even about the Pawns!

Eric Huber
Eric Huber
August 10, 2014 13:48

Moving the position one rank down would allow a presentation with 2 solutions, without twinning:
White Kb8 Bb1 Sc3 Pe5
Black Kh2 Re2
h#2.5 Back-To-Back 2 solutions
1…Bb1-f5 2.Re2-e3 (Re2-e4?) Sc3-e2 3.Re3*e5 Bf5-h3 #
1…Bb1-d3 2.Re2-a2 (Re2-d2?) Bd3-e2 3.Ra2-c2 Sc3-h3 #
Maybe the author had some reason for preferring twins.

August 10, 2014 17:56
Reply to  Eric Huber

While many composers nowadays prefer multi solution form, twins can be interesting if twinning is subtle making one wonder why the other solution will not work.

August 10, 2014 23:03
Reply to  seetharaman

Dear Eric,
I had your position, too. The reason why I prefer my twin setting is that in either solution the other is uniquely prevented by pin of wSc4.

Dominique Forlot
Dominique Forlot
August 11, 2014 00:58

on the original, with the king on a8 we can obtain the same two solutions than with the twins presentation

white Pe6 Sc4 Ba1 Ka8
black Kh3 Re3

1…Bf6 2.Re4 Se3 3.Rxe6 Bh4#
1…Bd4 2.Rb3 Be3 3.Rc3 Sh4#

Dominique Forlot
Dominique Forlot
August 11, 2014 01:28

Sorry, I have just understood for the spin of the rook in each twin solution.
This idea disappears in my proposal which thus brings nothing new .

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