Julia's Fairies

No.625 (PH)

Peter Harris
(South Africa)


Original Problems, Julia’s Fairies – 2014 (III): September – December

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daniela-dominika-schoolNo.625 by Peter Harris – White has only two Roses, but how much dynamic they are! Thank you, Peter, for the dedication to my girls, Daniela (on the left) & Dominika (on the right)!

Peter says I am the Royal Queen! And that tending to my lovely Roses must take me away from attending to Julia’s Fairies – and from my composing! (JV)


Sentinels Pion Advers: When a piece (not a Pawn) moves, a Pawn of the colour of the opposite side appears on the vacated square if it is not on the first or the last rank, and if there are less than 8 Pawns of that colour on the board.

Anti-Circe: Anti-Circe Calvet (the default type): After a capture the capturing piece (Ks included) must immediately be removed to its game array square (necessarily vacant, else the capture is illegal). Captures on the rebirth square are allowed. Game array squares are determined as in Circe. (Circe: Captured units (not Ks) reappear on their game-array squares, of the same colour in the case of pieces, on the file of capture in the case of pawns, and on the promotion square of the file of capture in the case of fairy pieces. If the rebirth square is occupied the capture is normal.)

Ultra-Patrol Chess: A piece can move, capture or give check only if it is observed by a piece of its own side.

Royal piece: Piece that executes a function of the King on the board.

No.625 Peter Harris
South Africa

original – 17.10.2014
For Daniela and Dominika – two Roses


white roe3d5 black royal qe4 black sg3c6 pf5

ser-#11       2 solutions         (2 + 4)
Sentinels Pion Advers
Ultra Patrol
Royal Qe4
Roses: ROe3, ROd5

The two Roses HAVE to keep in touch! Otherwise immobility! In the diagram the black Royal Queen can move because it is twice observed. If a Royal piece is unobserved then a check may be mate! [When a Rose captures it goes to the 8th rank on the file of capture]. (Author)

Solutions: (click to show/hide)

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S. K. Balasubramanian
S. K. Balasubramanian
October 17, 2014 17:32

First of all the roses should keep themselves always observed, and at the same time they should avoid checking the opponet’s royal king and simultaneously remove the guard to brK. Four fairy conditions with a fairy piece which is generally too heavy to understand even when the solutions are known, but it proves how intensely the composer can think.

Only thing that I could not understand is why a brQ is required and why not simple bK should do the purpose.

October 17, 2014 21:05

Well… I suppose there were cooks. But then, if a royal queen can be mated, all the merrier !

Sebastien Luce
Sebastien Luce
October 17, 2014 21:23

Yes with a black king many cooks like
1.ROeb6(+e3) 2.ROdd1(+d5) 3.RObb2(+b6) 4.ROdxb6(ROb8) 5.RO2e5(+b2) 6.ROed7(+e5) 7.ROdf8(+d7) 8.RObd3 9.ROdh3(+d3) 10.ROfe6 11.ROhg5(+h3)‡
The problem works also in Cheylan. It is a nice gift for Julia but it not possible to say there is a great connexion between the two solutions !

Peter Harris
Peter Harris
October 18, 2014 08:32

With a bK instead of a Royal bQ there are a 1000 cooks in ser- #10 – never mind the one quoted showing for ser-#11.

In the one solution the Royal piece is mated because it is unobserved, in the other it is observed but is imprisoned. That is the “connection”.

Peter Harris
Peter Harris
October 18, 2014 09:49


Many if not most problems with Anticirce also work with Anticirce Cheylan.

So I do not understand why you bothered to mention that this problem also works in Cheylan.

The norm in composition is that Cheylan is only used when necessary.

[With the present problem it would be impossible for there to be a move prohibited by Cheylan because Black pawns can never appear on the 1st and 8th ranks].

Juraj Lörinc
Juraj Lörinc
October 18, 2014 19:27
Reply to  Peter Harris

It is not true that Anticirce type Cheylan is used only when necessary. Some composers use type Cheylan as a norm and type Calvet as an exception.

However type Calvet is generally considerd a norm and need not be specifically mentioned except in WinChloe.

Sebastien Luce
Sebastien Luce
October 18, 2014 14:53

Dear Peter,
I am using practically only Winchloé which has many advantages in my opinion, a big database (more than 500 000 problems), a search mask to find any kind of material and for example anticipations. The program and the database is also improved every month freely by C.Poisson the programmer…
In Winchloe, Anticirce Cheylan is selected by default
but it is possible to add the fairy condition “captures on rebirth squares are allowed” to get the Calvet Anticirce.
So my post was an information to all the readers

Peter Harris
Peter Harris
October 18, 2014 23:18

Dear SKB,

Of course you have my sympathy having Anticirce to cope with.

To remedy this I show you a version without Anticirce.

I hope you are interested in this.

The version gives the essence of my idea namely (1) having only 2 Roses for W (2) having Ultrapatrol and (3) a Back Royal Q observed.

I would have preferred not to have had Anticirce in 625 but could find no other way to achieve my aim which was to make a 2 solution problem, one with the rbQ unobserved and the other observed. [It was difficult to do this].

The 2 solutions were to be an accompaniment to the 2 Roses and the 2 young ladies.

With both 625 and the version W is faced with the annoyance that when a Rose leaves or captures on d5 or f5 it can leaves behind a Black Sentinelles P still observing the Royal Q!

In 625 Anticirce helped getting over this.

The version has only one solution. It is one move longer.

I am sure that without Anticirce it will be more within your compass and I concede will make for more enjoyable solving.

Problem: W: Roe3g8 B: rQe4 Sg3 Pd5f5
Ser- # 12 Ultrapatrol, Sentinelles Pionadvers [2 + 4]

Peter Harris
Peter Harris
October 18, 2014 23:52


When I used the word norm, I used it the following sense:

eminent judges have opined that Cheylan should not be used without there being a reason [a justification] for so doing – i.e. should not be used in circumstances where plain Calvet would suffice.

If you are in disagreement with this opinion then I believe you are out of step – as are composers who use Cheylan as a norm – who you say are in the minority.

Laco Packa
Laco Packa
October 20, 2014 11:24
Reply to  Peter Harris

If you rely on the opinions of eminent judges, so you are at right place. Juraj Lőrinc judged several strong competition. There is no need to appoint them. Suffice it to state-FIDE Album.

Peter Harris
Peter Harris
October 20, 2014 18:44

You are going off at a tangent Laco.

The matter is about:

If we seek perfection in composition then the Cheylan should not used with the Anticirce condition when the Cheylan aspect has nothing whatsoever to do with the problem. It would be a superfluity, unnecessary and a distraction.

I think Juraj would agree.

If so, Juraj would therefore also agree that composers should not use Cheylan as “a norm” – that is if they seek perfection.

[And whether a problem is C+ by Popeye, WinChloe or any other program has no bearing on the matter].

The matter is not about Juraj who I know is preeminent as a composer and a judge.

Juraj Lörinc
Juraj Lörinc
October 24, 2014 01:14
Reply to  Peter Harris

Actually, I do not agree. For me both forms of Anticirce are equal and I see no reason to prefer one of them.

Peter Harris
Peter Harris
October 24, 2014 20:32

“I’m Outta Here”

– as the saying goes.

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