Julia's Fairies

No.727 (SD)

Stephan Dietrich (Germany)


Original Problems, Julia’s Fairies – 2015 (I): January – June

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No.727 by Stephan Dietrich – 100$ theme with Functionary Chess. (JV)


Functionary chess: A piece can move only if it is threatened.

No.727 Stephan Dietrich

original – 16.02.2015

Solution: (click to show/hide)

white ke8 rg8 bf3 pc2 black ka7 bb8 rc1 pa6g7

h#5                                        (4+5)
Functionary chess

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Hans-Peter Reich
Hans-Peter Reich
February 17, 2015 11:38

I like the idea. I propose an optimization:
wKf7, wBf3, wSg4, wPc2
bKa7, bRc1, bBb8, bPa6e7

Popeye Windows-32Bit v4.69 (196 MB)
1.e7-e5 c2-c4 2.e5-e4 c4-c5 3.e4-e3 c5-c6 4.e3-e2 c6-c7 5.e2-e1=S c7-c8=S #

Kjell Widlert
Kjell Widlert
February 19, 2015 18:05

Using a wS in conjunction with the wK and the thematical wB to enable the black excelsior P to run, instead of a whole wR, seems to me an improvement.

But Sg4 is still inactive in the mate, so I would personally have used two wPs instead (even though the piece count increases by one): in the original position, remove Rg8, move Ke8>h7 (or >f7), and add wPh2+h4 (C+)

Hans-Peter Reich
Hans-Peter Reich
February 19, 2015 21:56

My intention was the most economical position with the fewest pieces. Didn’t make it with 4+4, though.
We can change the “inactive bR” to only black pieces, too:
wKf8, Lf3, Bc2h2h4
bKa7, Da6, sLb8, Bd6g7b3 (C+)

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