With a gratitude to Shankar Ram, who for the 2nd time kindly accepted judging of JF original fairy problems and has made his Award so fast! Enjoy the selection of the problems, the statistical summary of 19 kinds (!) provided by the judge, and the Award JF-10/2017-03/2018 itself fully designed by Shankar Ram! Thanks a lot to all participants and congratulations to the winners!
Great analysis of the problems! Award in double quick time. Thanks Shankar Ram !
The correct diagram position should have the Nightrider-Locust-g7 on e7 (B LNe7 → g7).
Sorry, Mario!
Will correct and send to Julia by today.
Thanks, Shankar, no problem!
Corrected PDF sent.
Mario, I’m a great fan of your h# and hs# problems. Your 1st Prize in The Problemist, 2014(judged by Julia!) is a lovely conception!
Shankar, glad to hear you appreciate my problems.
THANK YOU for your very kind words!
No 1274 (Harris) with White to move: 1.Rb7-f7+ rDGb1-g8 2.b5-b6 rDGg8-a6 3.Rf7-c7+ Rb2*b6[bRb6->h8]#
Now, how did Peter miss that? He needs to tweak his algorithm! 😉
No 1248 (Harris): In a), the condition Sentinelles PionAdvers unused.
New version of the Award is uploaded.
Shankar Ram reports the following things added:
* Table hyperlinked to JF 1017-0318 problems index page
* Diagrams hyperlinked to original JF pages
* Appendix problems references each hyperlinked to corresponding diagram in appendix, and each appendix problem caption hyperlinked back to appendix reference
* JF logo hyperlinked to JF home