The Romanian magazine Componist-Buletin Problemistic is announcing the Memorial Tournament dedicated to Anatole F. Ianovcic, in order to commemorate 35 years from his passing away.
The tourney is for direct problems with mate in 2 moves, containing at least one grasshopper and/or at least one nightrider (other fairy pieces/conditions are not allowed), showing the Ianovcic theme: in the initial position, two black pieces A and B are half-pinned; after the key, a white line-piece C (= Q, R, B, G, N) is pinned by B (it could be already pinned); in the thematic variation, A plays, self-pinning B and, due to a black interference, allows C to give mate with a Pelle move (a move on the pin-line).
Entries should be sent until November 1st 2020, at the tournament director Dinu-Ioan Nicula, e-mail:
Announcement with examples in PDF | Prizes in chess literature.
Interesting tourney. Are both G & N allowed in the same #2?
“Grasshopper and/or nightrider” seems to indicate that both are allowed.
You are right Joost.. I should have been too sleepy ?
Any examples of the theme?
Please have a look at the following:
You will find out probably the most exhaustive presentation of the Ianovcic theme, including one with Grasshopper and one with Nightrider.
Actually, problem 151 is with G+N, and problem 152 is with G.
The definition of the Ianovcic theme seems unclear. “Encyclopedia of Chess Problems” says “The key self-pins [a] white thematic piece. In defence Black indirectly selfpins his pinning piece so that [the] white thematic piece can move along the pin line (Pelle move) and give a direct mate.”
But problems 1-20 of the article, grouped under the headline “Ianovcic – Simplu”, don’t have a self-pinning key. I assume this is also accepted in the Ianovcic theme.
Also, I wonder why in problem 67 (Drese), the variation 1. – S~ 2.Qe7# is not marked as a thematic variation (only 1. – Sf5 2.Qe5# is). It meets the requirements of the theme according to the Encyclopedia. Is there some additional requirement, or is this just an oversight by the author?
The above definition of the Ianovcic theme is unfortunately not complete. The black piece playing the thematic defence must also interfere the line of a third black figure. The Pelle mate should also exploit this interference.
This full definition also explains why in problem 67 (Drese), the variation 1…S~ 2.Qe7# is not thematic, but 1…Sf5 (interfering bRg5) 2.Qe5# is thematic.
In the article, there are mentioned several ways to express the theme:
“Ianovcic simplu” means the thematic white piece delivering the mate is already pinned before the key.
“Ianovcic compus” requires a self-pinning key.
“Ianovcic dublu” is realized when the white pieces delivers two distinct mates along the pin line.
“Ianovcic II” (after Gavrilov’s idea) says the thematic white piece is actually the rear piece of a white battery.
“Anti-Ianovcic”: after the key white threatens mate by a Pelle move. Black defends by unpinning his pinned officer and at the same time removing the interference of the third black figure.
Good to have this matter cleared up. Thanks for the help, Vlaicu!
(All this shows that it would have been a good idea to include a definition of the theme with the announcement of the tourney. And perhaps an example too… But now we have both.)
I made an fairy twomover (Pao/Vao) with Jovanovic-theme although not recognized by Winchloe. October 2003, Suomen Tehtäväniekka. You can find it in the WInchloe Database.
The post updated after all remarks! See also the Announcement in PDF file with examples –