Original Problems (page 31)Original fairy problems published during 2012 will participate in the informal tourney JF-2012. The site is mostly about fairies, but h# and s# are also welcomed for publication! Please send your problems to my e-mail: julia@juliasfairies.com Go to:Page-32 ♦♦♦ Page-33 ♦♦♦ Page-34 ♦♦♦ Page-35 ♦♦♦ Page-36 Page-37 ♦♦♦ Page-38 ♦♦♦ Page-39 ♦♦♦ Page-40 ♦♦♦ Pages 41-50 |
No.74 – hr#4* by János Mikitovics – The first four-men HR# on the site! (JV)
Maximummer: Black must play the geometrically longst move or may choose from among longest moves of equal length, distances being measured from the center of each square. Diagonal and oblique distances are measured from the orthogonal coordinates by using Pythagora’s theorem (take the square root of the sum of the squares of the orthogonal distances). All other orthodox chess rules apply.
KoKo: A move is possible only if the piece moved arrives on a square next to another unit.
You can сlick on “Solutions” to show or hide the solutions!
No.74 János Mikitovics
hr#4* (2+2)
Solutions: (click to show/hide)
„Ladders” by (bQ+wQ) and (bK+wK) – Chameleon echo – Aristocrat
The main theme:
The presentation of the difference between the hs# and hr#. (If hs#4, the setplay is going only!) (Author)
The diagrams are made on WinChloe and its Echecs font is used for Logo design