Jean-Marc Loustau
Original Fairy problems
01.07.2020 - 31.12.2020
+/- Russian translation
pieces | 'VAO(VA)', 'PAO(PA)', 'NAO(NA)', 'RAO(RA)', 'Camelrider' | фигуры |
Camelrider: | (1,3) Rider. (Moves like a Nightrider but on Camel’s lines only.) | Линейная фигура (1,3). |
NAO(NA): | (1,2) Chinese. Chinese piece operating along the lines of Nightrider. | Нао. Китайская фигура (1,2). Китайская фигура, играющая по линиям Всадника. |
PAO(PA): | (0,1) Chinese. Chinese piece operating along Rook lines: moves as Rook, but captures only by hopping over a hurdle to any square beyond. | Пао. Китайская фигура (0,1). Китайская фигура, играющая по линиям ладьи: без взятия ходит как ладья, а забирает только перепрыгиванием через препятствие на любое последующее поле. |
RAO(RA): | The Chinese Rose, moves like a Queen but on Rose-lines only. | [ENG] The Chinese Rose, moves like a Queen but on Rose-lines only. |
VAO(VA): | (1,1) Chinese. Chinese piece operating along Bishop lines: moves as Bishop, but captures only by hopping over a hurdle to any square beyond. | Вао. Китайская фигура (1,1). Китайская фигура, играющая по линиям слона: без взятия ходит как слон, а забирает только перепрыгиванием через препятствие на любое последующее поле. |
No. 1577 Jean-Marc Loustau
original - 31.12.2020
White Sf8 NAa7 NAb7 Rg7 Ph7 Pb5 Sd5 RAg5 Pc4 Pd4 Pc3 Sd3 NAa2 Kg2 Rh1
Black VAc8 VAd8 Bg8 CHh8 PAf7 Bc6 Pd6 CHg6 VAh6 Pe5 Ph5 Kg4 VAh4 VAf2 NAb1 CHc1
#2 15+16
VAO c8, d8, h6, h4, f2
PAO f7
RAO g5
NAO a7, b7, a2, b1
Chinese Camelrider h8, g6, c1
VAO c8, d8, h6, h4, f2
PAO f7
RAO g5
NAO a7, b7, a2, b1
Chinese Camelrider h8, g6, c1
Solution: (click to show/hide)
2.Rh1*h4 # {A}
1.RAg5-e6 ? threat:
2.Rh1*h4 # {A}
2.Sd3*f2 # {B}
2.h7*g8=RA #
1...VAh4-g5 !{display-departure-rank} {x}
1...VAh6-g5 !{display-departure-rank} {y}
1.RAg5-f3 !? threat:
2.Sd5-f6 # {C}
2.Sd5-e3 # {D
(and not 2 Rxh4+ A? NAxh4! Nor 2 Sxf2+ B? PAxf2!)} 1...NAb1*d5 2.Rh1*h4 # {A} 1...PAf7-e7 2.Sd3*f2 # {B} but 1...VAd8-g5 !{display-departure-file} {z} 1...CHh8-g5 ! {t} 1.RAg5-e4 !! threat: 2.RAe4-a4 # {E
(and not 2 Rxh4+ A? 2 Sxf2+ B? 2 Sf6+ C? 2 Se3+ D? Kg5!)} 1...VAd8-g5{display-departure-file} {z} 2.Rh1*h4 # {A (not 2 Sxf2+? Sf6+? Se3+?)} 1...CHh8-g5 ! {t} 2.Sd3*f2 # {B (not 2 Sf6? Se3+? Rxh4+?)} 1...VAh4-g5{display-departure-rank} {x} 2.Sd5-f6 # {C (not 2 Se3+? Rxh4+? Sxf2+?)} 1...VAh6-g5{display-departure-rank} {y} 2.Sd5-e3 # {D (not 2 Rxh4+? Sxf2+? Sf6+?)} 1...Kg4-g5 2.Rg7*g6 # {(not 2 RAa4+? e4! the Pe5 being unpinned)}
(and not 2 Rxh4+ A? NAxh4! Nor 2 Sxf2+ B? PAxf2!)} 1...NAb1*d5 2.Rh1*h4 # {A} 1...PAf7-e7 2.Sd3*f2 # {B} but 1...VAd8-g5 !{display-departure-file} {z} 1...CHh8-g5 ! {t} 1.RAg5-e4 !! threat: 2.RAe4-a4 # {E
(and not 2 Rxh4+ A? 2 Sxf2+ B? 2 Sf6+ C? 2 Se3+ D? Kg5!)} 1...VAd8-g5{display-departure-file} {z} 2.Rh1*h4 # {A (not 2 Sxf2+? Sf6+? Se3+?)} 1...CHh8-g5 ! {t} 2.Sd3*f2 # {B (not 2 Sf6? Se3+? Rxh4+?)} 1...VAh4-g5{display-departure-rank} {x} 2.Sd5-f6 # {C (not 2 Se3+? Rxh4+? Sxf2+?)} 1...VAh6-g5{display-departure-rank} {y} 2.Sd5-e3 # {D (not 2 Rxh4+? Sxf2+? Sf6+?)} 1...Kg4-g5 2.Rg7*g6 # {(not 2 RAa4+? e4! the Pe5 being unpinned)}
(C+ by WinChloe)
- Double complete Tertiary Threat Correction (TTC), with successive corrections of thematic double threats
- Double Hannelius theme: so 4 thematic variations which are also the thematic double refutations of the thematic tries
- Theme Stocchi anti-quadruple in the actual play (the mechanism is known since some problems by Petko in the 90’s, but here it is not the main theme)
- 5 unpins of black piece in actual play, which are also Umnov moves (on the square left by the key)
- Flight giving key with a mate following the flight different from the threat
- 3 times the theme Rudenko (in the form: 1 P1? (2 M#, N#) – 1 P2 1...x(y) 2 M(N)#), respectively in the couples of phases (1 RAe6? 1 RAf3?) (1 RAf3? 1 RAe4!) and (1 RAe6? 1 RAe4!)
- The set play and 1st try (1 RAe6?) show a half-Ruchlis (1... x 2 M# – 1P 1... x 2 N# 1... y 2 M#)
A Rao g5 seems to be missing in the diagram.
NB: Happy new year everybody!
Also, h8 is a Chinese Camelrider. And the left facing Knights are all Naos.
g6 also needs to be a Chinese Camelrider.
Yes, yes, yes, please be patient, will correct it all! Yesterday’s night just wanted to make it included in the tournament. Not easy problem to present after NY’s champagne 🙂
Diagram and pieces mentioned below should be correct now. The animation will appear later tonight. I’m very sorry for the delay!
And now the animation for the solution is ready! Enjoy!
Thank you for your patience! Happy New Year to everybody!
As does c1!
Another multi-line extravaganza from Jean-Marc!
A doubling of Tertiary Threat Correction and Hannelius themes by using double threats, topped off with mate transference, flight giving key, Stocchi style quadruple avoidance after self blocks, unpinning defences and a truly surprising threat after the key!
The outlier WSf8 makes the flight giving a little bit less surprising and the plug on c1 is unfortunate. But the content is truly sumptuous!
A “line-diagram” is attached.
And a “pattern-table”.
Just a reminder.
In the threat of the solution the “mate” is based on the idea that the black king serves as both hurdle and aim on the circular Rose path.
There is no consensus on this issue. For example, Popeye does not allow this.
That’s why I called it a “truly surprising threat”!
WinChloe allows it.
In the code for roses (pieces/walks/roses.c IIRC), there’s an attempt by Thomas to fix this, but the code doesn’t compile at the moment.
I just see a mistake in the last point of my comments (in solution): it should be:
“The set play and 2nd try (1 RAf3?) show a half-Ruchlis”; sorry for this mistake…
Thank you Julia for your great work and Shankar for your nice comments!