Original Fairy problems
01.01.2021 - 30.06.2021
No. 1614 Ognian Dimitrov
original - 20.05.2021
white Bh1 Ka8
black KAe2f4d5c5 Ka1
ser-h#18 2+5
Kangaroo e2,f4,d5,c5
Kangaroo e2,f4,d5,c5
Solution: (click to show/hide)
It will be more interesting if the king started and came back to b1. Probably feasible
But there is my problem WinChloe ID = 492079 with the same material and 3 solutions…
Right. It anticipates both 1614(1 solution) and 1624(2 solutions).
Apologies to Vaclav Kotesovec, I published my problem in two solutions too quickly as I didn’t know the problem of Vaclav. 😔
Julia, If you can erase my problem from the list, I will be glad.
Once published problem shouldn’t be erased I believe. But I can add a comment to it for the judge about anticipation.