Original Problems (page 106)
Original fairy problems published during 2012 will participate in the informal tourney JF-2012.
The site is mostly about fairies, but h# and s# are also welcomed for publication! Please send your problems to my e-mail: julia@juliasfairies.com
No.171 – hs#3 by Petko A. Petkov – A non-standard realization of Dentist-theme. (JV)
Locust (L): moves on Q-lines but only by capturing an enemy unit, arriving on the square immediately beyond that unit, which must be vacant.
No.171 Petko A. Petkov
hs#3 2 solutions (10+5) Locusts: b3, f1
I. 1.Rb2! LOxb2-b1 2.d7! Re2 3.LOxe2-d3+ LOxd3-e4# (1.d7?? Re2?? and Rg2 is closed! – Rb2 is impossible!)
II. 1.Rc2! LOxc2-d1 2.c7! Rf2 3.LOxf2-f3+ LOxf3-g4# (1.c7?? Rf2?? and Rg2 is closed! – Rc2 is impossible!)
DENTIST theme with thematic unpin of the white Locust. This combination is possible after two sacrifices of the Rooks (black and white) and thematic tries where the white Rook is closed. Another element which in my opinion deserves some attention here – is realization of some seldom or even paradoxal theme – a white battery is created, but in non-standard order: while LOf3 and then c7+ would be a standard battery, in a reverse order shown here the 1st move makes the forward piece (Pawn), and then – the rear piece (w.Locust). We can name this combination “Reversive play of white battery”, as far as we have a reason to speak about “battery” in this special case. Also there is a good play of the new black battery’s forward piece (the Locust), with realization of model-mates in the finals. (Author)
The diagrams are made on WinChloe and its Echecs font is used for Logo design
Petko’s comment about “Reversive play of white battery” makes me wonder…
Ok, here we have Locust piece which is quite weird by itself. And its interesting feature is a battery creation where the forward piece is not between the rear piece and the King, but after the King. So, in such battery play a forward piece “unblocks” a square after the King on Locust’s line.
But here this “unblock” happens before Locust is coming on its place to create a battery. Is this still battery play? Even reversive?
And what happens then in a case of usual pieces, let’s say if I have wpf2 and wKh2; a move f2-f3, and after a wRa2+ ? Is it also some kind of battery play? It seems strange to me…
The problem is fine for sure!
Locusts can of course form normal batteries also with the front piece between the King and the Locust. I agree with Julia that there is no battery play here. What happens is similar to Line opening.
Whatever the technical term we use, it is a wonderful problem!