…and now goes the last Award of the informal tournaments on JF in 2014!
I should tell I’ve received it yet in July, but as two others came almost the same time, I’ve decided to keep the natural order and to start from JF-2014/I and JF-2014/II. Also, I wanted so much to keep more or less regular publications on JF that hadn’t enough time to prepare all awards faster. Today I was really very happy to write to the judge, Kjell Widlert, that the Award is going to be announced this evening; and here it is for you, dear authors and readers:

This 3rd competition of 2014 had the most of published problems. And the Award looks really as a monumental work with so many wonderful problems and so many detailed comments! To tell you how strong was this tournament, I want to quote Kjell’s words from the Award: “I don’t think I have ever felt the need to give 8 prizes in a tourney before!“.
I’m very grateful to Kjell for his work! And, one more time this month, I wish to tell to all the winners how great you are, and to all participants how much I appreciate your activity here!
The Award uses animated diagrams. Only one of them couldn’t be animated (Invisibles), and several problems have some parts of the solutions impossible to animate as well. I’m sorry about it! I’ve tried to check all diagrams several times, but they are many, 33(!), and I apologize for any mistakes I might have made. I appreciate your corrections, if needed!
The Award is provisional and will become final after one month. Also, previous cialis black no prescription years I’ve made diplomas for all JF’s competitions. So I’ll do this year! Just have to ask you for some more patience again.. – Julia.