Award JF 2018/II (Kjell Widlert)

Award JF 2018/II (Kjell Widlert)

I believe, announcing an award is one of the most enjoyable jobs for any editor. And the one I’m glad to present to you is also so carefully made, including detailed analysis of problems and versions, written in a pleasant style of sharing opinions, and fully prepared for publication after all… not leaving any work for me (except writing these few words I couldn’t really find to express my delight and gratitude)!

Dear authors, readers, enjoy some wonderful reading for Easter holidays! My warmest congratulations to the winners! And my deepest appreciation to one of the JF’s most faithful contributors Kjell Widlert, the 2nd time overtaking this hard work – for me, for JF, and for all of you!

click to see the Award in PDF, 25 pages

Well, I have to admit I’m very happy about my own results as well. For about 5 years of composing not more than 3-5 problems per year, when catching some time from other jobs, when getting some inspiration stronger than the guilt about all my waiting lists 🙂  And now, not only happy about the distinctions, but also appreciating Kjell’s comments very much, good words and wise observations by the high class judge and composer.

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Geoff Foster
Geoff Foster
March 31, 2021 01:26

Where is the link to the award?

shankar ram
shankar ram
April 2, 2021 04:48

60 entries, 5 Prizes, 15 Honourable Mentions, 13 Commendations => more than 50% of entries awarded! In addition, comments on 8 of the problems not included. Finally, 25 pages of detailed and thoughtful commentary on the awarded problems. A real labour of love. In today’s fast food era, something to be appreciated, and savoured.

April 7, 2021 19:40

Very detailed and meticulously prepared award. Great job! Thanks Kjell

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