36th RIFACE, the results

st-germain-au-mont-d-orSee the RESULTS of the 36th RIFACE (Rencontre Internationale en France des Amateurs de Composition Echiquéenne) which took place from May 22, 2015 to May 25, 2015 at Saint-Germain au Mont d’Or (instead of the traditional location at Messigny).

“La 36° R.I.F.A.C.E. (Rencontre Internationale en France des Amateurs de Composition Echiquéenne), qui habituellement avait lieu à Messigny, s’est tenue cette année à St-Germain au Mont d’or (près de Lyon), du 22 au 25 mai 2015.
Participants : Jérôme AUCLAIR, André BANTEGNIE, Christine BAYS, Lionel BELIN, Marco BONAVOGLIA, Michel CAILLAUD, Mathias CARNO, Yves CHEYLAN, Alexandros DIMITRIADIS, Axel GILBERT, Maryan KERHUEL, Jörg KUHLMANN, Bernard MONTANGERAND, Laurent RIGUET, Philippe ROBERT, Philippe ROUZAUD, Pierre TRITTEN, Pascal WASSONG, Garen YACOUBIAN.”

2nd Israel Open Solving Championship


2nd Israel Open Solving Championship

The Israel Chess Composition Society is glad to announce the 2nd Israel Open Solving Championship. The event will be held in a similar format to the ISC, with a single difference:  B category will consist of 6 problems in each round instead of 4. However the problems in this category will be significantly lighter and simpler, thus inexperienced solvers can win points.

Date: Sunday June 21st 2015, 11:00 CET.

Main controller will be Paz Einat. All countries who wish to participate should contact the main controller by e-mail:  pazeinat@gmail.com. Final date for registration: June 11th 2015. The local controllers will receive all necessary word-format documents by e-mail no later than June 15th 2015. Results will be available on www.variantim.org. Top places are guaranteed medals which will be given in the upcoming congress in Ostroda.

Thank you!   — ICCS board

FIDE ALBUM 2010-2012 – Results in section G-Fairies

fide-album-photoThe results of the 2010-12 Album Fairies section are published yesterday, April 8, 2015, on wfcc.ch website. The section has got a record number of entries – 1524 ! 275 problems from 74 authors are selected. Congratulations and warm thanks to the director (Petko Petkov) and judges (Václav Kotěšovec, Manfred Rittirsch, Tadashi Wakashima) of this section for their huge work! Congratulations to the authors of selected problems!

Variant Proof Games by Peter Fayers

vpg-pf-annSome of you may remember that several years ago I was collecting proof games in chess variants with a view to eventual publication.

I now have a round 500, and put the collection on the web for anyone who is interested. Please feel free to view, download, or print (probably not a good idea – it runs to 162 pages. But it is mainly set in 14pt type, suitable for print in “booklet” format.)


Magazine editors and fairy/retro subeditors are invited to broadcast this information to their readership, and everyone is invited to fill in any gaps in the collection. Please send me any proof games I have missed. In English, French or German – I have macros which translate TCFDRP or TSLDKB to RSBQKP, both in the Forsyth and the solution. Enjoy!

— Peter. (fayers.peter@gmail.com)

Andernach 2015 problem chess meeting

Andernach_2014-disc-KW Discussion in the winter garden, Andernach 2014,
taken by Kjell Widlert (from left to right: Hemmo Axt, Hans Peter Rehm, Bernd Gräfrath, bernd ellinghoven, Thomas Brand, Werner Keym)

The tradition of Andernach meetings will live on: the 2015 meeting will take place from May 14 to May 17, 2015 (the long weekend starting with Ascension Day).

We will meet at Ratskeller (Hochstraße 33, 56626 Andernach). Long term visitors may remember this address: It is the former Balkan Pic, Zdravko’s former restaurant where the meeting took place for decades.

If possible you should arrange your accomodation for yourself, but you may ask bernd ellinghoven (mail: be.fee(at)t-online.de) or Zdravko Maslar (Karolingerstr. 76, D-56626 Andernach, tel +49 2632 1577) for support.

Glanz auf 64 Feldern

Glanz-auf-64-Feldern-logoYou’re welcome to visit Glanz auf 64 Feldern
Chess Problem database!

“It has increased up to almost 500 mate- and selfmate- pieces, nearly each with new, improved and enriched commentaries. (Additionally there are to be found ca. 100 mate-pieces of my friends Gerald Sladek, Werner Schmoll and, nowadays, Alois Nichtawitz).” 

IGM Camillo Gamnitzer (Austria)

Best Problems magazine invites the judges


A magazine has to publish originals. The composers ask the awards, otherwise don’t send other originals. To have the awards, the judges are necessary.
Accordingly my appeal, published on this site (thanks Julia!).

These are the tourney that need judges:
urgent: BP 2011-2012 #2 | BP 2012-2013 Fairy | BP 2013-2014 #2
other: BP 2014-2016 S#2/3 | BP 2014-2015 H#2 | BP 2014-2015 H#3/n | BP 2014-2015 Fairy

I will be very thankful to whoever it will accept to judge the tournaments above writings.
Antonio Garofalo, Best Problems Magazine

Sébastien Luce – originals for the article?

sluce-ann-oct2014“I am preparing for Chessproblems.ca the website of Cornell Pacurar an article about AUW in series movers problems with neutral pieces + one fairy condition before 1 of november 2014. All the problemists who want to publish originals about the subject can contact me (in english please!) at luceechecs@gmail.com 

I will send a complete list of what is realised yet, the idea is to publish for each fairy condition, the most economical &/or the most interesting !” (Sébastien Luce)