The Fairy Chess Classification Project: Initial Release!
After nearly 6 months work, Our inaugural release (version 0) with over 390 elements is ready for public viewing!
We have used the BCPS Glossary as the basis to which we added some more elements found in JF,
the Die Schwalbe Märchenschachlexikon, Christian Poisson’s Website, and others on the web.
Our thanks to all the maintainers of these sources.
Going forward, we plan to add more elements from all these sources as well as any interesting elements that are freshly invented.
We will also add more information to each element like history, popularity, solving program support and example problems.
Also planned is a user interface to search and explore the elements.
In these dark days, some light and order!
We welcome you to join us!
Please post your opinions, suggestions and queries! – The Fairy Chess Classification Project Team