Can it be that you used an intermediate version, Joost? If you look at the feature request issue for Bul…
On No.1679 (VC)
I am not sure if I understand the "Bul-ness" part of your comment. Are you saying that that promotee on…
On Award JF 2021/II (Shankar Ram)
Popeye 4.91 will find that No. 1461 is dual-free and correct.
...By heart choice (as of 03/28/2024): 1689 (24); 1688, 1700, 1712 (16); 1693, 1702 (15); 1704.1(14) etc.
On No.1717 (EH)
sstip black 1hh[1a[#]d&2ad[#]] would have to be sstip black 1h[1a[#]d&2ad[#]]h
On No.1611 (TL)
For what it's worth: a "clone of Popeye" is not necessary to test this problem. Regular Popeye can deal with…
On No.1742 (TL)
When can we expect Crisan's award?
On Happy New Year 2024!
Don't write rubbish, Thomas! The '+' signs mean "add piece" of course, not continued twinning. Sorry for my confusion.
c) +bSb6, d) +bSc8 indicates the changes related to the diagram. It's not c)=b)+bSb6, so there's no bS on b7…
As written under the diagram, c) and d) don't have a solution because of 3.Sb7-a5. I think that the 2…