Do you believe in Santa? You have to, as a real miracle has happened on this New Year’s night!
And here is him, with a surprising gift to all of you – Shankar Ram with the Award JF-2021/II (July-December 2021!)

What can I say? I’m amazed! I feel I’ve got so wonderful gifts for this New year: two JF’s awards of 2021 (Ofer Comay and Shankar Ram) and also the acceptance to judge the next fairy tournament – JF-2022/I – from Vlaicu Crișan!
This is something what gives me energy and wish to do this work, to smile and to be glad and proud about so wonderful members of our society! Let’s spend the New year 2022 as we have started it!
A new record. A problem published on 31/12/2021 wins a prize in an award published a day or two afterwards!
Amazing record! Great work by Shankar to write the award, format it and present a statistical table too. The tourney ends on 31-12 and the award is published the next day. Unbelievable, unbeatable speed !!
The 6th prize is cooked with a unique dual.
In selfmates, and to a somewhat lesser extent, in helpselfmates, mating move duals by black on his last move are not considered serious!Edit: Sorry! Joost was actually referring to a cook: 1.bLId5-h1[wPg2->c2] bLIf5-b1[wPc2->f2] 2.Kh3-g4 bLIe3-g1[wPf2->f8=LI] 3.LIf8-a3 + bLIg1*g7/-g6/-g5[wKg4->a4] # This cook is valid in an an update of Popeye (not yet publicly released) after v4.89, which includes Bul hoppers.
WinChloe does not treat “Bul-ness” as an attribute (property) of pieces, more specifically of hoppers, whereas Popeye does so. Due to this, the cook is valid in Popeye but not on Winchloe!
I am not sure if I understand the “Bul-ness” part of your comment.
Are you saying that that promotee on f8 is a Bul Lion according to WinChloe?
In the meantime, I have checked: in the state of implementation that Intend to release as 4.91, Popeye will not produce the mentioned cook any more.