JF Original Problems | September, 2022
The judge of JF-2022/II: not appointed yet
The judge of Retro & PG problems 2021-2022: Thomas Brand
Dear composers, I’m very sorry for a delay in publication of your original problems! I’m involved in several projects at the moment, being a director of the youth composing competition 6.YCCC in the frames of WCCC, being in the organizing committee of WCCC 2022, including the website and registrations… plus some important updates for the WFCC website about the World Solving Cup, WCCI, WCCT.
The next days I’ll give a list of composers whom I will try to publish in September-October. But I have to say that practically up to the end of year I seem to be very much overloaded, considering preparations for the Congress, the time there, and office work upon arrival.
Animated diagrams use Py2Web by Dmitri Turevski and WinChloe‘s graphics, Christian Poisson