Definitions: (click to show/hide)
Hopper (m,n) (family): Moves along (m,n) Rider lines stopping on the next square after the first obstacle of either color. A capture may be made on arrival, but the hurdle is not affected.
King-hopper(KH): Moves and captures as a King, but over the hurdle (extending its move).
Pawn-hopper(PH): Moves and captures as a Pawn, but over the hurdle (extending its move). A Pawn-hopper promotes into any hopper-piece only. (Implemented in WinChloe only.)
Nightrider-hopper(NH): (1,2) Hopper.
Grasshopper(G): Moves along Q-lines over another unit of either color to the square immediately beyond that unit. A capture may be made on arrival, but the hurdle is not affected.
No.1057 Sébastien Luce France original – 24.04.2016
Solution: (click to show/hide)
White KHg5 PHg6
Black KHa8 PHa7
h#24.5 (2+2) King-hopper g5, a8 Pawn-hopper g6, a7
1...KHg5-g7 2.KHa8-a6 KHg7-g5 3.PHa7-a5 KHg5-g7 4.KHa6-a4 KHg7-g5 5.PHa5-a3 KHg5-g7 {
} 6.KHa4-a2 KHg7-g5 7.PHa3-a1=G KHg5-g7 8.Ga1-h8 PHg6-g8=NH 9.Gh8-f6 KHg7-e5 {
} 10.Gf6-d4 KHe5-c3 11.Gd4-b2 KHc3-a1 12.KHa2-c2 KHa1-c3 13.Gb2-d4 KHc3-e5 {
} 14.Gd4-f6 NHg8-e4 15.Gf6-d4 KHe5-c3 16.Gd4-b2 KHc3-c1 17.Gb2-d2 KHc1-e3 {
} 18.Gd2-b2 KHe3-e5 19.Gb2-f6 NHe4-g8 20.Gf6-d4 KHe5-c3 21.Gd4-b2 KHc3-a1 {
} 22.KHc2-a2 KHa1-c3 23.Gb2-d4 KHc3-e5 24.Gd4-f6 NHg8-e4 25.Gf6-d4 KHe5-c3# {
(C+ by WinChloe 3.34; Hoppers & Pawn-hopper are not implemented in Popeye)}
White King-hopper has to jump over and over Pawn-hopper g6 till the promotion of black Pawn-hopper in Grasshopper (if 2…g8=SG?? white is stalemated). Then after 8.Gh8 comes the white promotion in …Knight-hopper. Black Grasshopper and white King-hopper jump each over along the long diagonal till b2 and a1. Black King-hopper can move to c2 square. Then white King-hopper and black Grasshopper jump each over up along the long diagonal till f6 for black Grasshopper (14th move), allowing white Knight-hopper to jump over in e4. Then, from 15th move to 19th move, black Grasshopper returns to f6 by another way, losing a tempo so to inverse the side to play in the position white: King-hopper e5, Knight-hopper e4/ black : Grasshopper f6. The Knight-hopper can return in g8. Then another time, black Grasshopper and white King-hopper jump each over along the long diagonal till b2 and a1. Black King-hopper returns to a2 and black Grasshopper to f6 after some jumps. It allows 24.SGe4 and 25.KGc3 mate with an anti-battery King-hopper/Knight-hopper. (Author)