Vitaly Medintsev 


Original Problems, Julia’s Fairies – 2016 (I): January – June

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No.1082 Vitaly Medintsev

original – 03.06.2016

Solution: (click to show/hide)

white Qa6 Pb7f4 Sd3d6 Ba8e5 Kf5 black Pc5 Kb8 Bh1g1

hs#5                                           (8+4)

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June 5, 2016 07:56

This has all the elements of a good problem. Interesting play (switchbacks, bristol & selfpin) with a quiet end and a mid-board model!

Georgy Evseev
Georgy Evseev
June 6, 2016 14:21
Reply to  seetharaman

But one solution!

I think that there is not enough meat for a single solution.
I have a feeling that it is possible to have most of the contents (probably, not all of it) in two solutions, adding to the pile second echo mate and some change of functions.

As always, I’ll check this feeling.

Georgy Evseev
Georgy Evseev
June 7, 2016 11:53
Reply to  Georgy Evseev

I confirm it is possible to have two analogous phases.
I have reasonable working position, but still want to improve it.

Georgy Evseev
Georgy Evseev
June 8, 2016 09:26

Due to serious technical difficulties and extreme time needed to computer test the problem, I disclose current position.

White Ke4 Qa8 Rc5d7 Bg6f4 Sb2d1 Pc3c4d2d5d6h5
Black Kc1 Bg8h8 Ph7h6
h#4.5 (C+ Popeye)
b) d5 >e5

1…B*c3 B 2.Bf5 Bh8 3.Rg7 B*d5+ 4.Ke5 B*c4 A 5.Qe4 B*g7#

b) wPd5–>e5
1…B*c4 A 2.Qc6 Bg8 3.Rf7 B*e5 4.Kd5 B*c3 B 5.Be4 B*f7#

I am not happy with twins and with motivation for the third black move. Unfortunately, most possible “normal” black moves allow interchange of the third and forth moves – and this is the reason for “crude” twins, which destroy the uniformity of A/B. Still there are some possibilities, but they seem to require extra black material and because of it are extremely prone to cooks (and need even more time for computer test).

Vitaly Medintsev
Vitaly Medintsev
June 8, 2016 19:25
Reply to  Georgy Evseev

Nice try, Georgy! I suppose your problem is a completely independent work that needs no remark “After X”.
Though the construction seems to heavy for hs# genre, the usage of black and white force is excellent, in my opinion.
I refer to the article by IGM P. Petkov in which he had proposed several aesthetic criteria. In particular, he wrote :“The economy of material in this genre is so important, that usually a composer must strive to express his idea with less than 15-16 pieces, using 17 or more pieces in some exceptional cases.”

Vitaly Medintsev
Vitaly Medintsev
June 8, 2016 19:32

Here is the link to the article –

June 8, 2016 20:10

I too think that Georgy’s problem is different in content despite some similar motifs like white selfpin-shutoffs and quiet mates.

Aleksey Oganesjan
Aleksey Oganesjan
June 8, 2016 17:54

Here is the diagram:


FEN: Q5bb/3R3p/3P2Bp/2RP3P/2P1KB2/2P5/1N1P4/2kN4

Georgy Evseev
Georgy Evseev
June 10, 2016 11:22

Thanks for kind words.


As this position would have never existed without 1082, it may only be published as joint problem, if you agree.

It seems that two solutions form is unreachable – adding black piece immediately leads to innumerable cooks.

I am currently trying to have a twin of the following kind:
b) f7 > g7

In this case the problem will have ABCD-CDAB instead of simple AB-BA. I have a working version, but each of two white knights is only needed in one phase. The problem would probably have been correct with extra Q or B. Still, not all possibilities are exhausted.

Vitaly Medintsev
Vitaly Medintsev
June 10, 2016 14:35
Reply to  Georgy Evseev

I’ll be happy to see your reworking of my hs#5 published as a joint problem.
ABCD-CDAB would be fantastic, if succeeded!
To reach the correctness maybe we should try to enable some fairy condition, what do you think?

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