Definition: (click to show/hide)
Anti-Circe Anti-Circe Calvet (the default type): After a capture the capturing piece (Ks included) must immediately be removed to its game array square (necessarily vacant, else the capture is illegal). Captures on the rebirth square are allowed. R, B & S go to the square of the same colour as the capture; Ps stay on the file of capture; fairy pieces go to the promotion square of the file of capture.
No.1095 Hubert Gockel & Eugene Rosner Germany / USA original – 09.07.2016
Solution: (click to show/hide)
white Ba4c3 Kb4 Se5 Rh8 Pb6c2e2e4e6g6
black Kd5 Bd1h2 Rd2 Pb7c4c6d3d6g3g7
#2* (11+11) Anti-Circe
2.Rh8-d8 #
1.Se5*d3[wSd3->b1] ? threat:
2.Sb1*d2[wSd2->g1] # {A}
1...Bh2-g1 !
1.Se5*c6[wSc6->b1] ? threat:
2.Rh8-h5 # {B}
2.Sb1*d2[wSd2->g1] # {A}
1...g3-g2 !
1.Se5*c4[wSc4->b1] ! threat:
2.Ba4-b3 # {C}
2.Sb1*d2[wSd2->g1] # {A}
2.Rh8-h5 # {B
(C+ by Popeye 4.75)}
Black and white line openings, return of threats, mate transferences. (Authors)
Rather interesting annihilation strategy in all four phases (set, 2 tries and solution), with consequent use of annihilation.
Minus from the point of view of changes: the checkmate 2.Sxd2 (Sd2→g1)# is not properly transferred as it follows both 1…dxc2 (Pc2→c7) and 1…dxe2 (Pe2→e7) in both phases with keys capturing on the c-file. Although always only one of defences defends against relevant threat in respective phases, the other unfortunately besides threat allows also the mate Sxd2 (Sd2→g1)#. (For proper mates transference see e.g. this #2 by Mikhail Marandyuk: )