No.1098 Ladislav Salai jr. (Slovakia), Emil Klemanič (Slovakia), Michal Dragoun (Czech Rep.)
Original Problems, Julia’s Fairies – 2016 (II): July – December
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Definitions: (click to show/hide)
Lion(LI): Moves along Queen lines over another unit of either color to any square beyond that unit. A capture may be made on arrival, but the hurdle is not affected.
Camel(CA): (1,3) Leaper.
No.1098 Ladislav Salai jr., Emil Klemanič, Michal Dragoun Slovakia / Slovakia / Czechia original – 19.07.2016
Solutions: (click to show/hide)
white Kc7 pc3d5e7f6f5 LIa2f8h8
black Ke5 Rc5h2 Bh7 Sa4 pc6d3f3f7 LIa1b8d8g7 CAb3e3g1
h#2 4 solutions (9+16) Lion a2,f8,h8,a1,b8,d8,g7 Camel b3,e3,g1
1.Rh2-b2 LIa2-c2 2.CAg1-f4 LIh8-h5 # {(1.- LIf2? 2.CAe4 LIh5#?)}
1.LIb8-b2 LIa2-f2 2.Rc5*d5 LIh8-e8 # {(1.- LId2? 2.Bxf5 LIe8#?)}
1.Sa4-b2 LIa2-d2 2.CAb3-e4 LIf8*c5 # {(1.- LIg2? 2.CAf4 LIxc5#?)}
1.CAe3-b2 LIa2-g2 2.Bh7*f5 LIf8*b8 # {(1.- LIc2? 2.Rxd5 LIxb8#?)
(C+ by Popeye 4.75)}
Cycle of four squares (d5, f5, e4, f4) guarded or blocked cyclically in the first white move (two of them), second black move and mate. Antiduals. (Authors)