Undefined pieces: Orthodox pieces or pawns of undisclosed nature and color. The solution must satisfy both stipulated parts, i.e. the PG and the mate.
Anti-Andernach: A piece (excluding King) changes its color after any non-capturing move. After capture, the piece retains its color. Rooks on a1, h1, a8 and h8 can be used for castling, provided the usual other rules for that move are satisfied. After castling, Rooks do not change color, If White makes a non-capturing move with neutral or halfneutral piece, that piece becomes black and vice versa.
Masand: When a piece X gives a direct check with its move, all pieces of the same color controlled by X and all pieces of opposite color attacked by X, except for the Kings, change color.
Each twin was tested with Jacobi, also for shorter PGs. (C+)
The choice of Anti-Andernach was made with the intention of reaching the standard homebase position for both sides in a PG with undefined pieces. The stipulation of shortest proof game without the number of moves was preferred in order to unify the twins, with no consideration for the solvers. My apologies to those who will purchase cialis online australia venture to solve this problem. (Author)