Original Fairy problems |
Author is kindly asking the judge to select a better version from the two published below.
No.1462a Vitaly Medintsev |
Solutions: (click to show/hide) |
white Sg1 Pg3f5b5 Kc4 Qf6
black Se1 Ba2b4 Pb3f4e5e6f7 Kg4 Ra4
hs#3.5 2 solutions (6+10) |
No.1462b Vitaly Medintsev |
Solutions: (click to show/hide) |
white Kd6 Bh2h5 Ra2 Qb2
black Kf1 Sd7c7 Pg3d3 Bb8 Rd8 Qh4
hs#3.5 2 solutions (5+8) |
There is very little interaction between the two sides. The only interaction occurs in the 1…Bb1 solution, where 2.fxe6 opens a line for 2…Bh7, but even then it is “accidental” interaction because it doesn’t force the move order.
You are right Geoff – there is very little interplay and 2…Bh7 is not true interaction.
But there is help-play, primarily in 1462a since both sides help each other.
1462 seems “obviously” better. More unified BB/BR moves and with 2 selfblocks by WB/WR on c6. 3 pieces lighter. Only weakness is the WB capture on h2.
About Geoff’s “interaction” comment, It’s “good to have”, but is its absence a weakness?
Oops.. I’m referring to 1462b!
>> About Geoff’s “interaction” comment, It’s “good to have”, but is its absence a weakness?
It could reduce a value of chess problems based on help-play since there is a viewpoint that both sides should help each other, not just Black helps White.
Shouldn’t this be so that the author chooses the problem to compete with? The judge can’t first choose the problem with his/her opinion and then possible put it to the award.
Vitaly is excellent problemist and I think he can choose without a doubt the better one.