Original Fairy problems
01.07.2020 - 31.12.2020
No. 1525 Anatoly Stepochkin
original - 26.07.2020
white Rh1 Ke1
black Pg4b4a4g5f5a6g7a7 Bg6 Qh7 Rh8 Ke8 Sa8
h=8.5 2+13
Solution: (click to show/hide)
No. 1525.1 Anatoly Stepochkin &
Sergey Shumeiko
version of No.1525 - 11.08.2020
white Ke1 Rh1
black Ke8 Ra8 Rh8 Sg8 Se6 Bh7 Pa6b6c6d6e4f7g5g7
h=10.5 2+14
Solution: (click to show/hide)
No. 1525.2 Anatoly Stepochkin &
Sergey Shumeiko
version of No.1525 - 06.11.2020
white Ke1 Ra1
black Pf4g5e5f6c6b7 Rh5a8 Sd5c5 Bb6g8 Ke8
h=10.5 2+13
Solution: (click to show/hide)
Both positions, the initial and the final one, look nicer now. The only detail left to dream about would be to bring bPg5 to that square during the solution.
Marjan, dreams come true.