Original Fairy problems
01.07.2020 - 31.12.2020
No. 1530 Julia Vysotska
original - 18.08.2020
black Rc1 Pa2b3f5b7 Be3 Kg4
neutral Bb1 Nc7
white Pg2g3 Kg6
h#1.5 2 solutions 3+7+2
Take & Make
Neutral Bishop b1
Neutral Nightrider c7
Take & Make
Neutral Bishop b1
Neutral Nightrider c7
Solution: (click to show/hide)
I have got some suggestions about this problem in emails. Thanks to all of you who tried to make something more out of this idea!
Have to tell for now my favorite version is one of two offered by Daniel Papack – No. 1 (wKd8 bKf8). While Daniel himself prefers No.2!
Well, No.2 is more economical. But visually I like No.1 much more, these lines of bB-nR and bR-nB look cute to me; the play in both solutions perfectly matching.
It’s really hard to add some more half-move without making it very much artificial. In theory, I’d like to have it made by the same neutral piece as next 3 half-moves, but it doesn’t look to be possible. Or maybe would ask for much more of material and would be too expensive.