Original Fairy problems
01.07.2020 - 31.12.2020
No. 1551 Dirk Borst
original - 27.10.2020
White Kc1 Be1 Pc3b5g6
Black Kf1 Be8g3 Se3e4 Pa5b7c4d5d6h2g7
ser-s#21 5+12
Circe Rex Inclusiv
Circe Rex Inclusiv
Solution: (click to show/hide)
No. 1551.1 Dirk Borst
version of No.1551 - 06.11.2020
White Kc1 Be1 Pc3b5g6
Black Kf1 Be8g3 Se3e4 Pa5b7c4d5d6h2g7e7
ser-s#21 5+13
Circe Rex Inclusiv
Circe Rex Inclusiv
Solution: (click to show/hide)
No. 1551.2 Dirk Borst
version of No.1551 - 29.12.2020
White Kb1 Be1 Pc3b5g6d2h4
Black Kf1 Be8 Se3e4 Pa5b7c4d5d6h2g7g3
ser-s#22 7+12
Circe Rex Inclusiv
Circe Rex Inclusiv
Solution: (click to show/hide)
No. 1551.3 Dirk Borst
version of No.1551 - 28.02.2021
white Be1 Pd3d2a4g6 Kb2
black Kf1 Pg3h2d4a5d6b7g7 Sh4e4 Be8
ser-s#25 6+11
Circe Rex Inclusiv
Circe Rex Inclusiv
Solution: (click to show/hide)
No. 1551.4 Dirk Borst
version of No.1551 - 17.01.2022
dedicated to Arno Tüngler
white Kb2 Be1 Pb5d2g6
black Kf1 Bb6e8 Se4h4 Pd3d4d6g3g7h2
ser-s#23 5+11
Circe Rex Inclusiv
Circe Rex Inclusiv
Solution: (click to show/hide)
Nice idea and difficult solution but seems also to go with 11.Qxg7 13.Qd2 15.g8=S 17.Sxe8(Bc8) 19.Kh3 20.Qg2+ Ke1# or did. I overlook something? This avoids going through g2 and so there is no need to free e8.
You overlooked 21.Sxd6(+Pd7)!
… but we have one move to spare, so 10.Qxd6(Pd7) 11.Qxd7 12.Qxg7 etc until 21.Qg2+ Ke1# should work – or am I overlooking something now??
Yes, Kjell is right: that is a cook. The easiest fix seems to be: + bPawn e7, which prevents 12.Qd7xg7.
Seems now to be cooked with Dual 11.Qh8 12,Qxh2(Ph7) 13.gxh7 14.h8=R 15.Re8 16.Bd8 18.Kh3 19.Qg2+ Ke1# due to the bPe7 or did I overlook something again?
No, you are right: square e7 cannot be occupied (a fact I had forgotten).
I sent a new correction to Julia today
Here is a cook due to the wPd2: 7.Kh3 9.dxc4(Pc7) 11.bxc7 12.c8=Q 13.Qd7 15.cxd6 16.Qa4 18.dxe8=S(Bc8) 19.Ba7 21.Qg2+ Ke1#
Hahaha this is terrible! And you have a move to spare… I will have to work even harder 😉