Original Fairy problems
01.01.2021 - 30.06.2021
No. 1578 Sven Trommler
original - 08.01.2021
Dedicated to Franz Pachl 70th birthday
white Pa4 Rb5 Kg8 Se8c8 Ba8
black Pb4c4f4g5c5d7 Bd3 Sg3 Rd5d8 Ka6
#3 6+11
Solution: (click to show/hide)
No. 1578.1 Daniel Papack &
Sven Trommler
version of No.1578 - 24.01.2021
Dedicated to Franz Pachl 70th birthday
black Pc5a5e4f7d7d6b6 Sa4 Bc3e8 Rh1e2 Kf6 Qa7
white Ph2g4f4h6e6 Re5 Kf8 Se7b7
#3 9+14
Solution: (click to show/hide)
Reminds me of HPR’s #3 Anticirce with 3 bQs
Indeed! It shows an incomplete Rotating Jacobs.
Missing is a defence by the BS which:
– unguards f1
– retains guard of h1
– guards b1
This would complete the cycle with CAB.
This problem is sound only in Anticirce Calvet. In Anticirce Cheylan 1.Kh8! also works. One should not omit the type if it makes a difference, because there is no generally accepted default.
This new version is wonderful! With rebirth prevention/allowance of WK, WR and WP – instead of that of WR, WB, WS in the earlier version. It also completes the Jacobs cycle (the move pattern should now be indicated as A-BC, B-CA, C-AB!). As a final cherry on top for Franz’s birthday cake, there are now two anticirce specific tries!
The author has sent un update to solution/comment for no.1578.1: “Cycle of white moves (ABC-BCA-CAB)”. The publication updated!
I wouldn’t call this a “cycle”. Because all 6 black second moves are different, there is nothing that forces the order ABC-BCA-CAB instead of say ABC-BAC-CAB. It’s “just” the Jacobs theme — and a damn good problem.
It’s an “unordered cycle”. Such cycles exist in other themes too. For example, a 4 phase cycle of double threats, AB/BC/CD/DA. The pattern is shown in an “ordered” way, just for convenience. Though, some problems do exist which bring about this ordering by adding other elements. The word “cycle” has been attached to the Jacobs theme over a period of time, as in “Jacobs cycle”. The pattern is based on the moves by White. In some simple examples, the Black second moves also form a cycle. But in more complex renderings, like this one, the Black moves are different, and there is no cycle involving them.