Original Fairy problems
01.07.2021 - 31.12.2021
No. 1638 Bruno Kampmann &
Michel Caillaud
original - 30.07.2021
White Kg2 Ba8 Qe8 Sc7 Rc4 Pa5b3d6e5e2f4h7
Black Kc6 Rc5 Bb7 Qd7 Pa6b4e6f5
#3 12+8
Breton Chromatique
Breton Chromatique
Solution: (click to show/hide)
I believe the definition is slightly inexact: it says one other unit of the same type as the capturing unit must change colour, but it is clear from the play that it can be the capturing unit itself.
WinChloe Definition: When a piece is captured, a piece of the same kind of the capturing side (if there are any) has to change color.
And for completeness,
Breton chromatique adverse:
When a piece is captured, another piece of the same kind of the captured side (if there are any) has to change color.