Ladislav Salai jr.,
Emil Klemanič, Ladislav Packa,
Michal Dragoun
(Slovakia(3) / Czechia)

Original Fairy problems
01.07.2021 - 31.12.2021
+/- Russian translation
pieces | 'LEO(LE)', 'PAO(PA)', 'VAO(VA)', 'Equihopper' | фигуры |
Equihopper: | Moves along any line over another unit of either color to a square situated such that the hurdle stands at the mid-point between the Equihopper's departure and arrival squares. The English Equihopper cannot pass over an obstruction other than the hurdle when playing along Queen-lines. The non-stop/French Equihopper does not have this restriction. Unless otherwise stated, the non-stop Equihopper is meant. | [ENG] Moves along any line over another unit of either color to a square situated such that the hurdle stands at the mid-point between the Equihopper's departure and arrival squares. The English Equihopper cannot pass over an obstruction other than the hurdle when playing along Queen-lines. The non-stop/French Equihopper does not have this restriction. Unless otherwise stated, the non-stop Equihopper is meant. |
LEO(LE): | (0,1)+(1,1) Chinese. Chinese Queen. Moves as Queen, but captures only by hopping over a hurdle to any square beyond. | Лео (Китайский ферзь). Китайская фигура (0,1)+(1,1). Ходит как ферзь, но взятия возможны только перешагиванием через препятствие на любое последующее поле по линии движения. |
PAO(PA): | (0,1) Chinese. Chinese piece operating along Rook lines: moves as Rook, but captures only by hopping over a hurdle to any square beyond. | Пао. Китайская фигура (0,1). Китайская фигура, играющая по линиям ладьи: без взятия ходит как ладья, а забирает только перепрыгиванием через препятствие на любое последующее поле. |
VAO(VA): | (1,1) Chinese. Chinese piece operating along Bishop lines: moves as Bishop, but captures only by hopping over a hurdle to any square beyond. | Вао. Китайская фигура (1,1). Китайская фигура, играющая по линиям слона: без взятия ходит как слон, а забирает только перепрыгиванием через препятствие на любое последующее поле. |
No. 1642 Ladislav Salai jr.,
Emil Klemanič,
Ladislav Packa,
Michal Dragoun
Slovakia(3) / Czechia
original - 30.08.2021
white eqb3 PAg2 LEb8 Pg5d5c3b4f3 Bd2 Kh7
black VAc1 PAh1 LEa7 Pe4a2 Sa3 Ra1 Kb1
#3 10+8
LEO a7, b8
PAO h1, g2
VAO c1
Equihopper b3
LEO a7, b8
PAO h1, g2
VAO c1
Equihopper b3
Solution: (click to show/hide)
1.LEb8-b6 ! threat:
2.LEb6-g1 +
3.EQb3-f1 #
1...Sa3-c4 {, Sb5}
2.LEb6-g6 +
3.EQb3-d3 #
2.EQb3-f1 +
3.LEb6-g1 #
2.EQb3-d3 +
3.LEb6-g6 #
3.LEb6-g6 #
1...PAh1-d1 {, PAg1, PAf1, PAe1}
2.EQb3-h5 +
3.LEb6-e3 #
3.LEb6-e3 #
2.EQb3-f7 +
3.LEb6-d4 #
3.LEb6-d4 #
3.LEb6-d4 #
(C+ by Popeye 4.85)
Three pairs of variations. Initial battery LE-EQ is in the first two variations transformed into antibattery LE-EQ and in the last two variations into antibattery EQ-LE (after analogous defenses with avoidance of white self-check). Last variations 1.- VAxg5 and 1.- e3 create analogous pair too, with reciprocal exchange of white moves compared to the threat and 1.- Sc4/Sb5 defense.
Excellent.. mutual anti -batteries and Zabunov theme!