Original Fairy problems
01.07.2021 - 31.12.2021
No. 1645 Gábor Tar
original - 30.08.2021
black Qg1 Pf2b3g4c4b4h5g6 Be6 Ka8
white Qf1 Kb2 Bg3 Pb6h7e7
hs#2 b) Ka8-->f5 ; c) Ka8-->g5 6+10
Circe Assassin
Circe Assassin
Solution: (click to show/hide)
Not clear how this is mate. Why white can’t capture the black queen? Also why not queen promotion in the diagram and (c). ?
In twin a, 3.Kxa1(+bQd8)?? is illegal, because of 3…Qxh8(+wRa1,-wKa1). Also, 3.Qxa1(+bQd8)?? is illegal, due to 3…Qxb6(+wPb2,-wKb2).
In b, 3.Kxb1(+bQd8)?? Qxe8(+wSb1,-wKb1) and 3.Qxb1?? Qxb6, again.
In c, 3.Kxc1(+bQd8)?? Qxh8(+wBc1,-wKc1).
These moves explain the need for the specific type of the promoted pieces.
And another detail: b7 isn’t a flight square for the black king because of Kxb3.